Thursday, April 30, 2009

Yay for Dinner!

Islam let out early as it was the last day and we needed to do evaluations. Which means I get a real dinner before work! Yay!


We had to do a webservation (website analysis) for our Islam Religion class.
1. Forgot to place "provide" in a sentence; she picked up on what it was supposed to read.
2. "avoid contractions in academic writing" (I used "I've" at one point)

Final: "An excellent and careful analysis of the site." 15/15

Haha! Take that, oh REL 330.

Chemistry Poster Presentation and Lunch with Grampa

Today the Chemistry 186H (honors freshman lab) presented their projects for the semester in the chem building main hallway. Grampa came to see the presentations, and then we went to eat at Panera. I had a fantastic Fuji Apple Chicken salad. 'Twas delightful.
Also get to baby-sit the six-month-old today. He was very happy this morning; we sang and danced for an hour and a half. He was very tired when I left, so I hope he went down for his nap well and his parents got to sleep as well...

Facebook Spam!

For those of you who don't know Facebook well - you can comment on "actions" friends take online. When other people comment on the same thing, you receive a notification. So I might comment on my friend's picture ("Oh, that's a cute dress") and a mutual friend might add a follow-up comment ("I really like the color").
There are certain pictures and actions that get a lot of attention, though. This sometimes start to feel like "Spam Notification." Generally, you yell at your friends rather than Facebook (especially when they're purposely commenting as much as possible while laughing about the fact that it's spamming you).
One of the gang recently entered a relationship. Her status on Facebook now reads "In a Relationship." And I commented "YAY!" So I've been getting some stuff. Poor Kelsey, however, is also received the notifications - because Elena commented on the post using Kelsey's account. At least I actually did what I'm being spammed for!

Ashley Again

"Good evening. Ashley got checked in at Mary FreeBed today and met a lot of people who will be helping her. Ashley is going to get to work with her therapist tomorrow. Ashley kept saying that, she knows its gunna hurt like cheer, but she's tough, she's a Schafer. G2G Katie

P.S. Aunt Sheila that one means Got To Go"

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Ashley gets to be transported!

This is good - it means she's stable enough and the doctors are fairly happy with her condition.

"Good Morning, I got to go visit Ashley yesterday, that was so wonderful. We missed eachother very much. She is so excited about her ride today and getting to go to Mary Freebed. She told the nurses at Covenant that when she comes back to visit she is going to do back flips down the hall, with Ramon's help (her tumbling instructor). She talked a lot about cheer and how she missed it. She remembers a lot about cheer, and all the hard work she had to do. But always ends with that exercise is good it make you healthy. I talked to the nurse this morning and they she told me Ashley had an MRI last night, they wanted to check our her sight, she isn't seeing real clear. She says she sees outlines but can't see clear. Ashley didn't want to have any test down, but we reasured her she need it get it down before going to Mary Freebed. She she said she would do it but not like it, and she didn't like it at all. The test took 2 hours, and she was scared during it Her nurse stayed right beside her holding her hand the entire time. She is sleeping now, after the test they gave her a bath and braided her hair. So from 1a.m. till about 4:30 a.m. she was up busy. So hopefully she will sleep during her ride so she will be ready to work. We took Katelyn out of school today and she is going with Russ and I to meet Ashley at Mary Freebed. So at 9:00 a.m. today we will start another new chapter in this journey. Please say a little prayer that all goes well during our journey today. Ashley has such a positive outlook on this, she wants to get better, she wants to run, and talk better. With all the support and the hand of God holding her I know she can do it. Thank for you being with us through this. Our family has growen over the last 5 weeks and you all hold a special place in our hearts. Love Russ, Julie, Ashley and Katelyn"

Haha! I am Fini!

I have finished my chemistry paper and poster! And they are BEAUTIFUL! Huzzah. And now, to bed. (I know, I know, it's late. But I was on a roll and didn't dare stop...)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Huzzah for Chemistry!

I have just found an incredibly helpful statement online. I am going to be able to finish my chemistry lab paper and poster just beautifully now. Life is grand, my darlings, just grand.

Yay for REL 330!

Yay! Ms. Geissinger agreed to let me take my exam at a different time. So I am able to go to the fancy Scholarship Banquet at which Dr. Esquith is being recognized for his Distinguished Contributions to Honors Students. This is just lover-ly.

Update on Ashley

"Good Afternoon, Ashley had a good night, she slept good. She is so excited about going to Mary Freebed, and riding in the ambulance. This morning she was really upset, she was confused and thought she wasn't going to ever see me again. The nurse told her I would be better soon, and she would get to see me. Ashley was not letting her off. She was sure I could never be with her again, because I am sick. So they called me this morning and I got to talk to her. She told me she loves me and misses me so much. She told me I had to be better in two days. So the Pringles (as Ashley called them) better go away fast.

I know it is hard to imagine how Ashley has came along. But to think that 5 weeks ago she was in a coma and a machine was doing the breathing for her, the Doctors told us it was in God's hands. To today we have this gabby girl, that has stolen the heart of the doctors, nurses, therapy staff, cleaning people, and many people that has signed onto her site and given her and us encouragement. It just goes to show she was a wonderful girl.
Thank you for all you have all done. Love Russ, Julie, Ashley, and Katelyn "

MSU in Spring

MSU in the spring is beautiful. Freakishly gorgeous. There are all these flowering trees in bloom everywhere. Especially by the Alumni Memorial Chapel! My word, it's incredible. I love my college...heehee.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Yay for Ashley

This update is actually from her little sister...
"Good evening. Today Ashley ate mashed potatoes and gravy, macaroni and cheese, and a chocolate shake for dinner, but earlier she had chocolate ice cream for lunch. Russ told her about going to Mary Freebed and Ashley got so excited to get to start working and ride in an ambulance. As of right now we think Wednesday will be the day for the ride in the ambulance. ttyl Katie

P.S. Aunt Sheila that means talk to ya later."

Last Day in the Lab

Today was my last day in the didn't hit me until like halfway through our time. Mark was showing me the enzyme reaction and high-pressure liquid chromatography today. It's very much a "hurry up and wait" process. So we talked quite a bit - Nicaragua, Kenya, mission work, philosophy, etc. Had a lot of fun; 'twas a great ending to the semester.


I got a smoothie in Case before MC today! Yeehaw.

And I managed to .zip the attachments and send them. At least the ones that really needed to be sent. The PDFs are "Still Working..." Come on, Gmail, you can do it!

Stupid Attachments

I'm trying to email something...and the attachments are huge and are taking forever. And I thought I'd whine at you about it.

Okay. My apologies. Whining over. We're chatting about the Fed in Econ today...and he's stated the basic facts. But we're not actually talking about today's Fed. And doesn't that seem like something that would be a fun discussion? Argh.

Oops. Apparently I just started whining about something else...sorry.

Last Monday...

It is my last Monday. And Ross isn't planning to hold a class session on Wednesday. THIS IS MY LAST DAY OF MC 241!! I am probably going to literally cry...and that's just pathetic...

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Oh, Julie!

Back safely from Indianapolis.

Poor Julie's gotten shingles...

"Good Afternoon, Ashley slept all night last night. She has done really well today. This has been a hard couple days for me. I came down with shingles Friday night so I am not able to see Ashley for 4 to 10 days, till they are all dried up; so I sit in the waiting room and the nurse and Russ give me updates. Russ has told Ashley that mom is sick and she seems to understand. Ashley and Katelyn had another spat today over who loves the other more. Talk about funny. Katelyn said Ashley won. Ashley has an UTI that has a bacterial infection in it that puts her in semi quartien. So to see her you have to put on a gown and gloves. Tomorrow they will do an evaluation to see if she can be transfered to Mary Freebed. With this infection, we need some strong prayers to make it possible. Ashley has crossed some big bridges with your support and prayers. She has many more to go, she is a strong girl and has a great support group behind her. Love you all, Russ, Julie, Ashley and Katelyn"

Friday, April 24, 2009

I'm Off!

The weather is absolutely gorgeous today...and I'm off to sit in a car for several hours. But I get to bike to church before climbing in the van! Love you all very, very much.

Some cheery news from Ashley:
"Ashley had a great night, she fell asleep around 9:00 p.m. and slept till 4:00 a.m. then she talked with nurse till 5:30 a.m. and back to sleep.

These last 33 days I have done a lot of thinking. When Ashley was born we lost her heart beat and she was an emergency c-section. She was my miracle from God at that time. Now I have to thank God again for a miracle. During this time people I work have have had babies. I have gotten to see two in the last two days. A Child is such a precious gift from God. For me if sometime today everyone that reads this give you Child, Mom, or Dad a hug and let them know how much you love them and how special they are. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend, Love Always, Julie, Russ, Ashley and Katelyn"

Mother's Day is coming...I hope Ashley is able to make it wonderful for Julie.

MSU and Money

In the State News today:
Headline: "Budget cuts will take toll on MSU." (You don't say!)
Article Immediately Under: "$10M donation to MSU adds to mysterious trend of anonymous giving"

I found the placement rather entertaining...

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Butter Side UP!

I made toast tonight in the caf. And very skillfully dumped a piece after globbing a huge amount of strawberry jelly on it. But it landed butter-and-jelly-side-UP! Shocking. And people ask me why I believe God loves

Yay for Ashley!!

I'm starting to seriously think she might pull through this, folks. Praise God and praise God.

"WOW!! That is the best way to describe today. Ashley had such a wonderful day. Her Grandparents came up and had a great visit talking with her. She talked all day, it is a little after 8:00 p.m. and she wont give up and go to sleep. She is so tired but she is fighting sleep. During physical therapy they stood her up. They had to support her but did great. Katelyn came and saw her, when Katelyn said "Hi" Ashley smiled big and said "Katie" over and over again. So it was worth skipping out of Health and not going to practice today. It didn't take long for the two sisters to have a little spat. Katelyn told Ashley to go to sleep and Ashley said "no" this went on for a little while. They both would laugh. What a wonderful sound. We did move rooms today, we had to move her down one room they are trying to do repairs in ICU and wanted to work in the room Ashley was in, so she moved down a room. They did tell us that if they need the room for a more serious patient, Ashley will get moved down to the 4th floor. But at this time she will stay in ICU. Thank you all from all the Schafer's and Appelgreen's, we are all so overjoyed at the progress Ashley is doing, with all the support and prayers we are ready to keep going. Love ya all, Russ, Julie, Ashley and Katelyn"

Ha! So there, Religion Test

We finally got back our religion exams from March 24...I received a 44 out of 45. Haha! Take that!

Howdy There

Life is plugging and chugging along. The number of things I have to finish before/during finals now seems real to me, so I've entered crunch mode.

This weekend I have a church meeting in Indianapolis, and I'm not sure what the internet situation will be. So hang in there if you don't hear from me forever.

Love to all!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Good Day for Ashley Again

I think reading these updates has become one of the most meditative/spiritual times of my day...

"Good Evening, I'm sitting here with Ashley waiting for her to fall asleep before I leave. She had a really good day. Physical Therapy sat her up on the edge of the bed, they have to support her, but the more they do it the stronger she will get. Speech Therapy had her count to 10, she had a little problem with 4 for some reason she said Cody. But she did good. Then asked her when her Birthday was and she said January. They asked her where she lives and she said Beal City. They asked her if she had a sister, and she said yes. They asked her sister's name and she said Katelyn the whole thing. It was so exciting to be here while they did this. So now we just have to work on this every day, so she will be ready for her next journey. Tonight, she was really upset, she wanted her dad, so I had Russ call and talk to her, he even sang to her, she smiled while he sang. She is starting to relax and I hope she will sleep.

Thank you God for taking care of my daughter, please watch over all the people that are sending prayers to help Ashley, they are all so special, and watch out and guild all the nurses, doctors, and therapist that are caring for our Ashley. Amen

Love you all, Russ, Julie, Ashley, and Katelyn"

Oh, Julie

The concern of Ashley's mom makes me cry...she's been so strong through all of this, and it has to be absolute hell...

"Good Afternoon, I'm sitting here in Ashley's room, just thanking God and all of you for your continue Support and Prayers. The hospital has sent Ashley's information to Mary Free Bed in Grand Rapids to evaluate her. Mary Free Bed wants to wait till Monday to reavaluate her, before they transfer her to their Rehab unit. At this time she is not stable or does not respond enough. So this weekend we will work on what ever they ask us to. So she will be ready on Monday.

Ashley is saying more and more words. She brought tears to my eyes when she saw me she said "Sorry". I wasn't sure that is what she was saying so I asked her and she told me "yes" the nurse was here with me, we couldn't believe she told me sorry. I told her she has nothing to be sorry for, we will make it, everything will be ok.

I don't want to leave her side, it is like when she was a baby I want to be part of all "The First". The doctor just came in and I showed Ashley the pictue of Cody and her in Colorado, and she told the doctor who was in the picture, she said Cody Ashely. So these are all good signs.

Keep the prayers coming she can feel them. Love Julie"


I went into Case's caf really quickly between Econ and Politics & Markets. And there were Strawberry Banana Smoothies! Life was glorious. And yummy!

Macro and the Fed

I had a fun little moment in Macroeconomics today as the professor explained the effects of the Fed's changing the reserve requirement. Suddenly, a random fact we learned in high school econ that wasn't really explained and thus was rather mysterious made sense. So that was fun.

Happy Earth Day!

Do something nice for your planet today, folks. Love your Earth. 'Cause it's a good little planet. And it's not even covered in snow right now, as was expected!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Good Day for Ashley

"Good Evening, As I said Day by Day, Hour by Hour things will change. Ashley is doing well. She waited for her dad to get to the hospital, and she said "Hi", "Cody" and "Dad". What an unbelievable thing to hear. The prayers that have been said are begining to be answered. When Russ left the room to call me, Ashley kept calling for him, till the nurse went and got him to come back in the room. Over the past 30 days Russ has put Ashley's mp3 player on her and him and he would sing to her. AShley told him to Sing to her tonight. We have a long road ahead of us, but we are ready for the journey. Thank you for all the prayers, Please keep them coming, We love you all so much, Russ, Julie, Ashley and Katelyn"

No REL Today

Our teacher emailed us saying she was we didn't have Islam today. Boohoo! Got a bit of chemistry work done after Arabic before my meeting, though, so that was nice. Tonight is a Shalom Center Guiding Committee meeting. I'll be home by 8:30 and be able to get some more done. Definitely missing my religious studies, though...

Crystal Field Splitting

We had fun in chemistry today! I get it! I love it when this happens.

Oh, this is very, very fun. I am getting seriously geeked over here...

Dude! (I keep coming back and adding lines to this post as I get geekier.) This is really fun.

For the record: Nickel likes to be in a square planar molecular geometry. I'm sure you were incredibly curious.

Update on Ashley

Monday, April 20, 2009 9:14 PM, EDT
"Good Evening, Ashley had a good day. She had physical therapy and speech therapy today. She no longer needs to have oxygen on, they caped the trech so she has to breath through her nose and mouth. She seams to have a smile when her daddy asks to see one or when he sings to her. Thanks for all the prayers and support. Love Russ, Julie, Ashley and Katelyn"


Tuesday, April 21, 2009 8:44 AM, EDT

"Good Morning, Last night was not a good night for Ashley. We received a call from the nurse about 8:38 p.m. and Ashley was really upset. She was crying and they couldn't get her to calm down. We called Aunt Patty, she is right there in Saginaw and she went down to the hospital. They ended up giving Ashley some morphine, but it wasn't helping much. They had to put her back on the c-pack to help regulate her breathing. Around 11:30 p.m. they gave her more morphine and by 12:00 a.m. she was resting. She slept for about 4 hours. As the time went she started getting upset, so they gave her morphine again, they want her to stay calm, she starts moving around the bed and they don't want her to hurt herself. We don't know what kind of sign this is. If she is starting to get aware of what is going on and she is scared, or what she is thinking. As we have said Day by Day, or even sometimes it is hour by hour. I posted that notice last night and then we got the phone call. I know I have thanked you many times for all your support and prayers, I wish I could do more for you all. The support and prayers is all we have. It is in God's hands so your prayers help so much. Thank you, Julie"

Obviously the fact that she was crying isn't great. But it is rather this could be good, in a way.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Rabin Jewish Studies Lecture

I was really looking forward to this lecture on the impact of the Holocaust in the Rise of the Nation of Israel. Sadly, the lecture was not as interesting as I had hoped. There were a few very illuminating points, but mostly it felt very one-sided and biased. Our lecturer has written a few articles that sound intriguing, though, so perhaps I shall try again and see if his written stuff appeals to me more.
On a non-lecture note: the dude sitting in front of me right now looks freakishly like Gregory. It's been incredibly disconcerting.

Lovely Day

Today has been a lovely day. Got lots done without feeling stressed or rushed on anything. Still have a Students for Peace and Justice meeting today and a very interesting lecture on the rise of the Jewish state.

Oh, I LOVE my Life

This is beautiful...I was totally not expecting to get this one. But Phi Kappa Phi has awarded me a Study Abroad Grant. WOOHOO! More, more! I am going to have so much fun in Cairo...
This one is $1000. Oh, I love my life. Thank you, persuasive essay skills.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Yes! Score! YAY!

Alec is coming to MSU! Alec is coming to MSU! Alec is coming to MSU! Alec is coming to MSU! SUCCESS! HAHA! Yes! Score! YAY!

Boyfriend to the Rescue!

(Not mine. Don't get excited.) But an update from Ashley:
"Good Evening, Ashley had a good day she smiled a lot. Cody did a lot of whispering in her ear and she smiled big. They changed the trech tonight and she did well with the switch. She is resting now. Thanks again for all the support. Love Russ, Julie, Ashley and Katelyn"

Busy Weekend

I went from having nothing to do this weekend to being entirely booked with social engagements...yesterday I had a Higher Ed and Campus Ministry meeting in Grand Rapids, then Mum, Dad, and I went to the Bohls (family friends) and played games (and ate a lot of food). I watched "The Love Bug" with the kids - haven't seen that in at least a decade. 'Twas grand fun.
Today I have church, then I'm sprinting off to brunch with Seth to celebrate his Fulbright and UURAF successes and my scholarship winnings (I found out last night I've received another from Veterans for Peace. Yay!). Then sprinting off to Grampa's "Broadway and All That Jazz" concert at the Riverwalk Theater. Then dinner with Emily. And a Students for Peace and Justice meeting tonight. And maybe, just maybe, I'll manage to get some work in somewhere in there.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Ah ha! Rescind Earlier "Fool of Myself" Moment

The confusion in my Honors Option Seminar has been resolved. The students in MC 221, International Relations II, already write papers for their classes. With the honors option, they add a lot more research and like ten pages to their paper. Ross, however, wants like six pages from me of political economy application. So what I proposed is going to be just fine. And I didn't make a total fool of myself. The other professors may not necessarily know this, but who cares.

More Fajitas!!

I got fajitas today in Snyder-Phillips! Life is just grand. :)

Ashley and Optimism

"Good Morning, Ashley had a good night, I think her good work out yesterday helped her sleep. She does has some spells with coughing and they have to suction her. You know she has lots of allergies, and this time of year and the drainage she is coughing and getting it out. So that's good she can get it out.

Today is day 27, as I reflect on the past days I honestly still can't believe we are here and this has happened. But to see my girl smile, the smile I never thought I would see again helps me to Believe and keep my Faith. As many of you know the emotions have been from one extreem to the other and I am sure I will be on that roller coaster for a long time yet. I really never have liked roller coasters. But I have seen that every time there is that dip on the track, we will climb another hill and have that great high again. With all of you supporting us and sending your prayers, and strenght we Ashley, Russ, Katelyn and myself will make it through this.

Thank you all, Julie "

Whoops...sorry, Emmett

I just made a bit of a fool of myself in my MC Honors Option seminar. We've been presenting our research topics. And I just threw some information together about the UAW, my topic. And apparently folks wanted to see a full-out research proposal (Statement of Question, Methods, Results, etc.). And I didn't bother. So I got grilled for that a bit. Hope I didn't embarrass Ross too

Ah. I see. Everyone is doing very analytical work. I was just going to do a qualitative case study putting the UAW into Politics and Markets language. So I shall ask Emmett which he'd prefer after this class and not feel like such a dope.


Well, Seth and I are just having fun like crazy these days.

UURAF Grand Prize:
"Humanities, Social Sciences, & Communication Arts & Sciences: Seth Morton, Uncertainty Principles: The Changing Dynamic of Narrative and Theory
in the 21st Century."

So Seth has a UURAF Grand Prize and a Fulbright Scholarship. And I've got several different Study Abroad Scholarships. Celebration to commence...

Thursday, April 16, 2009

From Ashley...Good Day!

"Good evening, Ashley had a good day. Her physical therapist had her sitting with support today for a short time. She brought in a whoopie cushion and Ashley smiled when it made it's special noise. The doctor and physical therapist were betting on whether the therapist could make Ashley laugh; and Ashley made the therapist $10 richer, even though she didn't make an audible sound, she laughed with her whole self. There are many, many steps remaining but we take each step with appreciation and joy. Thanks for your unending prayers of support. Russell, Julie, Ashley, and Katelyn"


Fajitas are GOOD. I have a Staff/Parish Relations Committee meeting tonight instead of work, so I actually ate dinner. Going from Religion to Sny-Phi to church is totally ridiculous, though, so I hung out a bit in Katie's room (though Katie herself wasn't home...but I'm friends with her roommate too) watching "Stardust" and then came to Wilson caf to grab food. And I really, really like fajitas. News flash, I know.

Now This is a Question...

I can earn credit directly through MSU for my American University in Cairo credit. (So rather than being taken as transfer credit, it's actually MSU credit). The question, then, is whether I sign up to do credit/no credit or just take the grades and let them be in my GPA. I have no idea how hard Cairo grades...

Dude! More?!?!

I think these are two separate awards...I love my life!

Congratulations! You have been awarded the following study abroad scholarship.

Award: OSA Need & Merit Awards
Amount: $750

You should be very proud of your accomplishment.

More Study Abroad Money!

Take that, UURAF! Ha! I'll get MORE money somewhere else. Bums.

Congratulations! You have been awarded the following study abroad scholarship.

Award: OSA Academic Excellence Award
Amount: $750

You should be very proud of your accomplishment.

Research & Arts Forum

Becca FAIL. Everyone loved my poster; got incredible compliments, even from folks who were competing against me. Unfortunately, the judge pretty much totally ignored my poster and graded the thing entirely based on the conversation I had with him. I, not knowing any better, assumed he would read the poster and that I should supplement/highlight. Obviously I should have forced his eyes and read along with him, because the evaluation I got back talked only about what I mentioned and not the poster contents at all.
So that was sad. But oh well, I have learned a lot for next year's UURAF. At which I will not make the same mistake...

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


'Twas a good day. Highlight: Went to Bravo! Italian with Grandma and Grampa Farnum. Got this amazing chicken and strawberry salad that really hit the spot. And it was wonderful to see them, of course. Grampa's playing in a Broadway concert on Sunday that I'm going to be able to go see! Definitely looking forward to that.


"I am happy to inform you that the screening committee for the Jeffrey and Kathryn Cole International Study Award selected you as the winner of a $500 stipend. Congratulations!"

Money for Cairo; money for Cairo! Yeehaw.

Haha, Taxes!

I have finished you. So there! I stick my tongue out at you and laugh maniacally.

(Okay. I'm done now.)

News from Ashley

Sounds like things are going well...

"Good Morning, Ashley had a good night. She was able to breath on her own with oxygen all night. When she was getting her hair washed she started coughing and they tried the numbing spray, and it worked this time. So she didn't need any medication to relax. The nurse put Ashley's mp3 player on her and she closed her eyes and went to sleep. The nurse said it seemed she was sleeping really good. Keep the prayers coming, we have a very long road ahead of us. Love each and every one of you, Russ, Julie, Ashley and Katelyn"


Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Well, I may have sucked on Chem Exam. But I just found out that my friend got his Fulbright scholarship. So there's happy news for the day. Yay, Seth!

Well, Crap

Again, I was really looking forward to my chemistry exam today. And again, I went in very optimistically. And again, I utterly sucked. Sorry, Professor Hunter...

Monday, April 13, 2009

He's so Sweet!

I emailed Dick (my PA prof) with my "Feeding Peace" report. Here's what I got back:


Thanks for this; it looks really impressive. I am out of town Th and Fri (off to Cleveland to be part of an assessment team studying the philosophy program at Cleveland State), so I won’t be able to attend the event, but look forward to hearing about it. How are you feeling? I was thinking of you as holy week wound down – for some reason that also made me think of bread and the experience of food after abstaining for so long. Suppose I should try it some time!

See you tomorrow,

I love my professors. I love my school. I love my life, for that matter.

No Chem Lab...Sadness

I went into lab today. Mark wasn't there at the beginning, but he had left me a project with one of the other friendly students in the lab. But apparently someone had already done it, essentially. So...
I did some homework. Got my Arabic done and did a bit of chemistry studying completed. Mark came; we chatted briefly. But he didn't really have anything for me to do. So I am home early. And usually I'd be happy. But I like chemistry lab! I really do. It's funny how I used to dread it, and then would have fun while doing it. And now I look forward to it and am bummed when I don't get enough of it. But I do get to study for chemistry now! And the test tomorrow is going to be fun, I think.

Arabic Update

It occurred to me that it's been a while since I've blogged about Arabic. It's going very well. We're building our vocabularies quite a bit and starting to get into some really fun grammar stuff. I can build whole sentences (like, real sentences. Not just "The boy is tall." It's fun)!


Is it just me, or does adding pizza sauce and mozzarella cheese to your matza kind of take away the point of eating matza?

Oh. That's fun.

One of the girls in class was talking with Ross about grades today. Anything above a 3.75 overall is a 4.0 on the actual grade. I heard that bit and just said "Oh." And Ross looked at me, smiled, and said "yeah, yeah" fairly pointedly. So that last entry may have contained a lie. Because all that's left is the Final Paper. And I can do that! Just need to make sure I don't let my participation grade slip.

Except that, plugging out the math, I need to do REALLY well on the final paper to get a 4.0. Didn't do quite as well on the test as could have been hoped for a non-stressful paper experience. The point is, I'm not calling it yet.

MC Test

Got my Politics and Markets test back today. Did pretty well, especially relative to the rest of the class. Will not 4.0, FYI.

Cereal is Good!

I ran a bit this morning inside to get my metabolism going. And then I (very wisely) grabbed a few more hours of sleep. Took some milk and cereal to econ with me. And it is GOOD! Captain Crunch with Berries, baby. This is great about breakfast...I have a lot of post-Lenten breakfasts just by enjoying a fairly non-awful bowl of cereal. I'll just be eating all of the sugar cereals I've been denying myself through Lent...

This is Incredible

During Holy Week, I didn't really feel that low-energy. I realize now that it was because I'd been having so few calories during Lent, and my energy level had already dropped. I feel FANTASTIC. My energy level is insane. I think my friends don't miss my fat; they miss my perkiness. I hadn't realized how lethargic I've been feeling...
All that stuff I have to do? Yeah. No worries. It will get done. I feel like I'm on speed...

Sunday, April 12, 2009


News about Ashley...
"Good Evening, Just talked with the nurse, Ashley is listening to her MP3 player and laying their with her eyes wide open. Her nurse said she looks really relaxed. What a wonderful Easter for us. Thanks for everything, Russ, Julie, Ashley and Katelyn"

Home safe in the dorm. My roommates and friends are all staring in absurdity at the amount of junk food I brought home. They're not complaining, mind you...

Lots of love to all! It has been a fantastic Easter. Much love and thanks to Mum, Dad, and Granna for a great weekend.

Christ is Risen!

Happy Easter, oh my loves!

Christ the Lord is risen today. How beautiful the world is.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Yay for Ashley!

Got great news about Ashley, my friend who's had some health issues:

"We have some good news. On Friday Ashley responded to the physical therapist by sticking her tongue out and smiling at her. When the nurse came in to check her sugar, Dad asked Ashley to wink at the nurse and she did..with both eyes. Then last night when Katelyn and mom got to the hospital Dad asked Ashley to smile at them, and she did. We wanted to make sure she was really responding, so today we have asked her to smile and stick her tongue out at Uncle Tom and she did. She has smiled, stuck out her tongue, and winked several times today. The neurologist said "these are very good signs." Ashley has along way to go but we are heading in the right direction. Your prayers and friendship are so appreciated. Keep praying for her healing. We will keep you posted on progress. Russ, Julie, Ashley, and Katelyn"


Granna, Mum and I went out shopping for an Easter dress today and just had the most wonderful time. Absolute score on a dress for tomorrow and several other fun items as well. Granna picked out several fantastic pieces. Go, girls, go!

Psalm 104

One of the Scripture readings for today recommended by the bulletin I picked up at St. John's Catholic Student Parish at the Wednesday Stations of the Cross Service was Psalm 104. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I don't traditionally use that psalm as a happy devotion, but I might just start doing so.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Home : )

I am home. Granna and I got in just before 5. Megan and I went shopping for Easter egg hunting and dyeing supplies for Wesley's Easter party. Gummies were on sale at Meijer's and I got...a few...
Filling out tax forms now (woohoo). Mom got me some books from the library - it's been far too long since I've done pleasure reading.

The Beginning of the End...

I just got out of Arabic and am leaving for home with Granna in about ten minutes. All official commitments are completed until after Easter...ladies and gentlemen, the final countdown, please.

Attended Good Friday service with Wesley folks at the Alumni Memorial Chapel. That's right next to Sny-Phi, of course, which was really nice, as I didn't have a bike. Managed to pick up my bike after Arabic, though, so I'll have it for Monday.

Yay, Gmail!

I am happy to report that Gmail is no longer blowing up. I'm sure you're all very relieved.

Running Outside

It was a bit warmer this morning, and it was my last Lenten run on campus. I did my usual outside bridge route. I ran without music and had a lovely Good Friday chat with God. I'm listening to Sandi Patti's "Via Dolorosa" right now and think I'm going to subject myself to "Watch the Lamb" (though it won't be as powerful a tearjerker without Papa's singing it).

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Gmail is Blowing Up

I can't access my Gmail account at idea what's going on. I should be asleep, anyways. But I was feeling very high-energy after working at Mt. Hope tonight, so I figured I'd get some work done. And I have. And now I want to check my email! lol. Oh, well. Get better soon, Gmail.

Forty-eight hours left! Pretty much exactly. Yeehaw, kiddos. We are flying high.

Now, that was fun

I just read a really great case study on an Islamic non-violence movement. It made me happy.

Radical Islam and Nonviolence: A Case Study of Religious Empowerment and Constraint among Pashtuns
Robert C. Johansen

Joan B. Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, University of Notre Dame

Religious traditions, like national traditions, frequently foment collective violence. Yet all of the world's major living religious traditions also contain the seeds of tolerance, justice, compassion, and peace. A preoccupation with the violent elements of these traditions may impede the expression of their less violent themes. For diverse reasons, religious and political leaders may give insufficient attention to the peace-building prospects in religious traditions. As this case study of Islamic political activism among Pashtuns in the North-West Frontier Province of colonial India in the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s demonstrates, religion may motivate people for bold action against political repression while confining them to nonviolent means in pursuit of humanitarian ends. A formula for Muslim nonviolent direct action, developed by Abdul Ghaffar Khan, has many applications in contemporary conflicts where change is desirable but violent means are often self-destructive. This study demonstrates that Islamic religious identity can provide the basis for recruiting people to become political activists, for nurturing a strong identity and discipline within their movement, for enabling activists to overcome their time-honored inclination to use violence, for contesting the more violent elements of a religious tradition in religious rather than secular terms, for avoiding intolerance toward people of other religious traditions, and for nurturing courage and determination against great odds. If imaginative leadership today would draw upon the bold yet nonviolent contributions that religious traditions could make, even in contexts where violent reactions may seem justified, then a possible clash of civilizations might be managed without irretrievable disasters for the human race.

Read it at!

Bike Tire

Sadly, my good ol' girl is in the shop getting a tire replaced. No idea what happened, but last night, my bike suddenly went a bit crazy in the rear...Sean loaned me his bike for the rest of the day, though, and it isn't going to be too much of a problem.

Yay for Libraries!

The last book assigned for MC 241 is Robert Shiller's "Subprime Solution." I had no desire to purchase this book, and it just came out recently, so it's relatively expensive. But...go, library, go! Somehow, they actually had a copy in stock. And I got my grubby little mitts on it. Haha! No more book buying for Becca!


I have completed "Feeding Peace." That is to say, I have emailed my mother and father a copy of my report. I have no idea if they'll read it. If they do, I have no idea if they'll hack it apart and I'll have to start all over again. But, for right now, I feel fairly good.


I've been running this week, to use the term lightly, in the basement of Snyder-Phillips. Given the crap I have from the cold, I thought running outside in 32 degrees wasn't the best idea. Energy levels have been pretty good. My running is pretty wimpy, but I'm having no problem getting through my sit-ups, wall push-ups, and leg lifts.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Stations of the Cross

The Stations of the Cross was a lovely service. There were a few moments when I didn't like what was read aloud at each station, but they were helpful to reflect on. Our liturgy was written by Sister Joan Chittister, a Benedictine sister from Erie, PA who serves as co-chair of the Global Peace Initiative of Women, which focuses in large part on women peace workers in Israel and Palestine. She lectures on peace, human rights, women's issues and interfaith religious issues. Seems like an interesting person...
I'm off to bed, calm and reflective on Holy Week, rather than trying to get more work done tonight. Lots of love to all!

"No Angel at the Fence"

I went to a lecture today. (So I lied and haven't skipped out of everything I could.)

"Herman Rosenblat, a Polish Jewish survivor of Buchenwald and Schlieben, prepared a memoir of his Holocaust experience titled “Angel at the Fence,” to be published by Penguin Berkley in February 2009. A children’s book called “Angel Girl” was already in distribution. A Hollywood movie was planned. At the center was a story of young love that was born alongside the fence of a Nazi concentration camp.
"According to Herman, a young Polish Jewish girl hiding under false identity with her family in the nearby village came to Schlieben daily and brought apples or bread, which she pitched over the electrified fence to him without being seen. Then, twelve years later, on a blind date in New York, the individuals miraculously found each other again and they were married and lived happily ever after. Told twice on the Oprah Winfrey show, first in 1996, then again in 2007, the story circulated on the internet for years and was a particular favorite in Christian and Jewish inspirational circles.
"The problem was that the story was not true. There was no angel at the fence: there were no daily meetings at the concentration camp; other survivors with Herman knew the story was a figment of his imagination; and the girl turned out indeed to be hiding with her family in Germany but over 200 miles away. How was this found out? Why would a Holocaust survivor spin a false memoir story? What can be learned from the episode?"

It was fascinating; I'm really glad I was able to go. It was my first major official Jewish Studies event!

College of Arts and Letters' Undergraduate Research Initiative...Go, kids, go!

CAL URI is the program that is funding my "Feeding Peace: African Famine Relief" research. Apparently they send out letters to all of my professors telling them that I would be presenting at UURAF. Ross came up to me before class and was talking about it. He's going to talk to Madison about doing something similar for their students. He was excited to see that the College of Arts and Letters did the notification (as opposed to being thrilled that I was presenting), but we had a nice, brief chat.
Thank you, oh College of Arts and Letters. Seriously, I think it's really cool that they do that. Though I'd be okay if Ross didn't come see Ah, the glorious potential for embarrassment. Though one of the books I've read is titled "The Political Economy of Food," so maybe he'd be thrilled.

Woohoo for Wednesday!

I have an INCREDIBLE amount of time after Arabic today. Generally I have Chautauqua and church forever, but the Chautauqua is not meeting today, and I'm not going to choir practice since I won't be in UUMC service on Sunday. Wesley Worship is at St. John's, which is much closer to Sny-Phi than Wesley.
There are a bunch of lectures and talks I could go do and am somewhat interested in. But I think I may be a total bum and just go home to finish "Feeding Peace" and get many other wonderful things accomplished.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Tuesday 'Twas Terrific

And there you have it. I've had a terrific Tuesday. Got lots done, particularly with my "Feeding Peace" report. I think I'll be able to swing it so I'm not writing it over Easter weekend! (Instead, I'll be studying for my Tuesday chemistry exam!) My energy level is back up now; hibernation no longer required. Though I have been actually hungry for the first time all week tonight.
Wednesday, instead of regular worship at Wesley, we're all headed over to St. John's Catholic Student Parish for a Stations of the Cross worship. It's always fun to see how different churches arrange these things...

Tutu at MSU

Well, this is fun. Tutu was invited to speak; he is coming. The Anti-Defamation League sent a letter asking Simon to renounce the invitation. Flurry of communication!

I have Simon's reply and the original letter as well.

From Kenneth Waltzer, Director of Jewish Studies:

"On April 3, shortly after it was announced a few days before that Desmond Tutu was the invited commencement speaker at Michigan State University to speak this May 8, 2009, Abe Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) sent President Simon a letter asking that the university reconsider the invitation. The letter cited Desmond Tutu's prominent role in the U.S. Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel, in which he sits on the advisory board (announced March 30, 2009).
"The ADL letter reminded President Simon that she signed the petition of major university presidents in 2007 and was on record opposed to boycotting Israel and asked her to respond consistent with the principles she and MSU had upheld in that petition. That petition characterized the boycott as violating the academic values of the university and as an "intellectually shoddy and political biased attempt to highjack the central mission of higher education." Interestingly, Mr. Foxman had little problem with Desmond Tutu speaking at the University of St. Thomas in Minnesota in 2007 (an earlier controversy involving Tutu), but has explained through intermediaries to this writer that Tutu is now a prominent leader in the boycott movement and that, in his view, commencement and receipt of an honorary degree from the university are different than simply speaking on campus.
"On April 6, President SImon responded to Abe Foxman and the ADL reiterating that she and MSU stand opposed to the academic and cultural boycott of Israel but stating that the university would not rescind the invitation which originated last year and is to a Nobel Prize winner and elder statesman. President Simon stated her hope Archbishop Tutu's visit would highlight his important role in the African freedom struggle and MSU's longstanding links with South Africa, particularly, and Africa generally. Instead, MSU would work to provide opportunities for the campus community to hear alternative views to those of Desmond Tutu. President SImon and Provost Wilcox have asked the Jewish Studies Program among others to assist in this task.
"ADL's response to President Simon's letter is in the press release reprinted below. The Jewish Studies Program will issue its own press release tomorrow, Wednesday, April 8, both welcoming Archbishop Tutu as commencement speaker and also declaring our total opposition to and concern about a position proposing academic and cultural boycott of Israel, which is morally simplistic in understanding the Middle East conflict and a biased effort to demonize one side.
"Earlier this semester, Jewish Studies faculty were polled concerning our consensus view on the U.S. academic and cultural boycott of Israel and I am pleased to say that we stand united in opposition. The boycott movement is an attack on academic freedom, it proposes discrimination based on nationality, it badly mischaracterizes the conflict in the Middle East, and it resonates nastily with prior anti-Jewish boycotts in the recent Jewish past. I believe we will have ample opportunity to explain our opposition in the coming weeks."

From NY Times:
"New York, NY, April 6, 2009 … Citing his long history as a strident critic of Israel and his vocal support for anti-Israel boycotts, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today said that Archbishop Desmond Tutu was a "poor choice" to deliver the commencement addresses at Michigan State University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
"'Desmond Tutu is a poor choice for commencement speaker," said Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director. "His statements about Israel have time and again conveyed outright bigotry against the Jewish homeland and the Jewish people, and his deepening involvement in the anti-Israel boycott effort should have raised a red flag. This is not someone to be held up as a model or awarded an honorary degree, given his history of bombastic rhetoric and unceasing support for the anti-Israel boycott effort.
"'It is one thing to give him a platform to speak on campus; it is quite another to confer an honorary degree on an individual who actively promotes academic boycotts,' Mr. Foxman added.
"In a letter to Dr. Lou Anna K. Simon, President of Michigan State University, the League called on the university to reconsider the invitation extended to Archbishop Tutu unless he "publicly repudiates" his support for an academic and cultural boycott of Israel.
"'Archbishop Tutu has unequivocally endorsed an academic boycott based on ideas that are anti-Semitic and should be anathema to any institution of higher learning truly committed to academic freedom,' the League said it its letter to MSU. ADL sent a similar letter to Dr. Holden Thorp, Chancellor of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
"The League noted that MSU's president and UNC's chancellor were among more than 200 U.S. college and university presidents who issued, in July 2007, an unequivocal statement against university-led boycotts.
"Archbishop Tutu is a participant in the U.S. Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (USACBI). The campaign prominently includes Bishop Tutu as a member of its Advisory Board, whose formation was announced on March 30. The USACBI refers to Israel's "illegal occupation of Palestine and its apartheid system" and calls for the "complete academic and cultural boycott of Israeli academic institutions."

I was wrong...

I thought Monday was going to be my hardest day this week. Figured I'd be grumpy, tired, and hungry. My stomach growled a bit in MC 241, but I really had no issues.
The crash came today. It's not so much that I'm hungry, but my body apparently wants to be in hibernation right now. Spent the morning before chemistry lecture in bed after my rather pathetic run...but I'm still not that hungry. Luckily, today is a very light day.
Anyways, if I do the same thing I did last year, tomorrow I'll be back to full energy and feeling great. I'm guessing that the snow and cold is probably adding to my desire to go hibernate.

Chem Grades

Professor Hunter asked me and Sean what grades we'd received in CEM 181H. We answered 3.5 and 3.0, respectively, and his response was "He was a hard grader, then, huh?" That's encouraging...

Sorry, Kids

I could tell when I woke up tonight the boys had lost...because I actually slept last night, as opposed to being awoken by mass amounts of screaming.
Sorry, kiddos. But the Top Two is nothing to be ashamed of.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Good grief!

People are milling around with sleeping bags and cases of beer. The dorm doors are locking down half an hour earlier than usual. News teams are already on-site.
Apparently something important is happening tonight? lol. Good luck, boys. Have fun.

Study Abroad General Orientation

I am sitting in the Study Abroad General Orientation session. Thank God I brought Fred.
Why, gee. I should get my passport. I could purchase travel insurance from them. I should call them if I have an emergency.
I should try to prevent accidents that I am able to do so.
Stimulating, let me tell you.

Oh my word. I was just told to be aware that different cultures have different norms regarding sex and may well have a higher prevalence of HIV. Thank you, Office of Study Abroad.

(In all honestly, I'm glad they're doing this. Really. But it's painful.)


Ladies and Gentlemen: I do not have HIV. At least, I test non-responsive. I know this shocks you.
Anyways, this means I can mail off my physical for Cairo and be done with all of this absurd paperwork! YAY!

Chem Homework

We are rocking and rolling, man! We got our chemistry homework done during recitation today. This eliminates the usual Monday night activity. So though I have a few more meetings this afternoon than usual for a Monday, I'll be home at 7:30 with no pressing due dates. I will be able to work on my "Feeding Peace" report...or maybe just chill with a movie...(not that I would ever do such a thing).

Prayer Request

I wasn't sure whether or not I was going to throw this up here, but this is becoming a very serious concern...

Ashley was in Girl Scouts with me and graduated in my year from Mount Pleasant.

"Background Story
On Monday, March 16, 2009, Ashley had her tonsils out at CMCH in Mt. Pleasant. The surgery went well. On Sunday, March 22, following a short family outing where the four of us visited friends for about 20 minutes, we headed home. Ashley was having trouble breathing and went into convulsions. We quickly acted, were able to wake Ashley, and Russ drove quickly to ER. ER staff in Mt. Pleasant focused their attention on Ashley and through a CT scan found massive blood clots in her lungs. They prepared to air transport her to Covenant Hospital in Saginaw. She went into cardiac arrest and had no blood pressure. The staff gave her a block buster drug to break up the blood clots and administered CPR. After 25 minutes, they had resusitated Ashley, ventilated her, brought her to a stable condition, and she went on her first helicopter ride. Once at Covenant ER, the staff were very concerned about the length of time that she was denied the oxygen and her overall physical condition. She was admitted to Surgical Intensive Care Unit at Covenant and has received one-on-one nursing care since her arrival. Ashley is still on the ventilater and three CAT Scans were done and revealed no swelling or fluid in the brain. An EEG done Monday, March 23, indicated there was minimal brain activity. The doctor compared it to a bad sprain and we would have to see how the days unfold and how Ashley responds. A second EEG was done at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, March 25 and currently waiting results which will probably come in later this afternoon or evening. We will keep you informed."

Things have not improved. Ashley has been pretty much comatose for weeks with little brain activity. Her family has been spending a great deal of time with her. Initially, they were very hopeful. The optimistic mindset is beginning to die, though. Prayers for Ashley, certainly, but also a lot of prayers for her family, that they not lose hope but also be able to cope with what comes.

Ah, the Gloriousness of Life

I am having a fantastic day. I'm getting an absurd amount of stuff accomplished, which always feels good. The white campus truly is gorgeous; the sidewalks aren't too bad; it's not too cold. My cold is not making me miserable. Life is simply beautiful. Have a good day, the rest of my darlings!

Well, That's Encouraging

We had a chat about grades in Econ today. He's going to discard the lowest problem set and will consider dropping one of our exams and making the final worth more percentage-wise if it gives us a higher grade. So if I kick the pants off the final, there's a least for a 3.5.

Make That Slush

It's snow...kind of. Mostly it's slush. It was very easy to navigate though, and is very pretty. Happily, it's not that cold outside. I am, however, very glad I didn't run through it - my shoes would have been soaking.

I love my friends

So, it's Saturday, April 4, Virginia's twentieth birthday. And the MSU Final Four game. What does V, college student, do on her 20th birthday? Well, what else would one do than have a party at the Impression 5 Museum?

I love my friends.


Bailey: "It's APRIL! Do you not realize that it's APRIL!?!?!?" Poor girl.
I went running inside today, as I'm working on a magnificent cold and thought that running outside in the snow and getting my feet wet was probably not the best cold management.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Home Safe!

We are home safely. I am happy to be going to bed in about five minutes.

Our team co-won, by the way. The other idea was a specialized thrift store that took donations from dorm rooms and that transformed community service hours into currency to buy goods from the store. Sounded interesting. I have no idea how they're going to divide the money between projects and campuses, but at least we got Steve (Dean of Residential College in Arts and Humanities, Chautauqua head) some bragging rights.


Presentations are done. We're going to have a question and answer session with the other groups in a few minutes. There were some interesting ideas.
Our presentation went over very smoothly, I think. At this point, I would say the competition hinges on the Action Plans. I have no idea how good the other teams' Action Plans (the detailed write-ups) are. In my completely unbiased opinion, ours rocks. We shall this point, I'd say we have a chance but am in no way assuming. I could narrow it down to three of the six teams, I think, though.

Presentations this Morning!

We present sometime this morning before 11 am. I finished up the Action Plan, and it's fairly awesome. We haven't had much time to prep and rehearse the actual presentation, though, so I'm a bit worried about that part. We shall see! I'm looking forward to hearing the other ideas, though.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Last Supper

We're eating in Babson's cafeteria today. I just realized I'm not supposed to be eating alone, but instead in the special conference room. Oops. lol. I should leave.

Anyways, the cafeteria is nice. I've got some nice steamed carrots!

Okay. In special room. Sitting at a different table by myself. lol. I get to write up our big report tonight. This process has been so's going to be interesting to see how much we get done, relative to the other groups. We're technically done with group time, though some of us will be working together at the hotel tonight. I'm mostly burned out, working with other people wise. I'm ready to go just do up the report with my music. Why my introvert side would pick now to attack, I'm not sure. But such is life.


We're rocking and rolling, baby. And don't you dare try to stop us, dude. 'Cause it ain't gonna work. Haha!

Ha. Studying at Babson?

I want to come study at Babson now...
Correction. I want to work with Elizabeth Goldberg, a professor at Babson, who is leading the workshop I'm attending. Luckily, she's consulting with my team for an hour just after this. So I get more of her! Heeheehee.
But perhaps I can convince her she'd be happier at MSU? lol. No, all these business majors at Babson need her to make them think about humanity.


I got me some blue cheese and pita bread! Along with tomatoes. 'Twas lovely.
Our keynote speaker for lunch has Spartan roots. He's having a Green and White Party at his house tonight.
After lunch, we have workshops. I'll be attending a Human Rights workshop. I'm very excited about this for the sake of my Food Rights research (and myself, of course). I must say, when I envisioned this conference, I knew I would be writing a lot of my paper on "Feeding Peace" during the conference. But I was expecting the conference to be completely unrelated. This is very exciting.
Additionally, the member of my group I was most worried about when we ditched the ideas we'd be working on and went with food is fully on-board and happy with the direction we're going. So I'm excited about that. Lunch was a good time to interact with those people I hadn't yet met. Between this time and dinner, I think I may get to spend some time with pretty much everyone. Life is just grand.
I'm eating the last of the rolls I brought with me, as they keep running out of the pita bread. So hopefully they'll have something I can eat for dinner - for it will be my last meal! I'm smuggling junk food like crazy home with me though; these people are obsessed with feeding us.

Oh, This is Incredible

Daddy's read my "Feeding Peace" poster. Here's some of the text:

Local Events
The East Lansing, Lansing, and MSU communities came together to support AFR.
Headed by the PEC and an RSO, schools, churches, and individuals made donations
to famine relief. Educational events including potlucks and food conferences were
held. Student groups hosted benefit dances, CROP Walks, and street fund drives.
Fast Days were held in the dorms (flyer pictured right). Students skipped dinner
and signed a form asking the Department of Residence Halls to donate the cost of
their meal to AFR. May 23, 1974, $3237 was raised as 4,980 students fasted.
A second Fast Day on December 5, 1974, attracted 7,588 students and raised $5311.

This idea came up, not fully from me, in our group. We're trying to implement that today. We're organizing Fast Days in the dorms, kids. My research is now being used to do it again. Oh, how glorious is life. Beautiful, beautiful life.

We're Chugging Away, Baby!

We're walking through the outline of our event. And we're chugging away. Life is grand. We're even having some controversies and still being okay. Yeehaw!

We Have a Topic!

We're now focusing on food excess and waste in dorm cafeterias and the legal issues involved in donating food. Our consultant pointed us in this direction as the idea he liked best out of the many we mentioned.

It definitely fits best with the Core Commitments, etc. I hope the group is all okay with it, though. Folks seem cool.

Group Time

We're in group time for two hours now. And we're still going all over the place. I figured out what my issue was with group organization though - it was so random last night that we haven't been teamed up by interest. So the group is now leading somewhere that, while I find important, isn't my true passion. They had us complete interest surveys; I feel like they haven't really used them. We have a faculty consultant coming in in just a few minutes, though, and I am hoping he's going to help out quite a lot.


I was worried there wouldn't be anything at the hotel I could really eat...but there's Special K with Strawberries! Becca is excited. It's my last breakfast...
We're meeting with the group today over breakfast. I think I was just in a tired funk last night, because I'm much more optimistic about the forum today. Looking forward to a truly enjoyable day.
I spoiled myself with a banana at breakfast in addition to my cereal today.

Slightly Surreal

I went running this morning on Babson's beautiful campus. One of my good friends attend Olin School of Engineering. I knew the two were close, but I forgot that Babson is the one immediately next to Olin. As in, the campuses intersect. To the point that I accidentally ran by Derek's dorm this morning. It was very strange. Ben and I visited Olin on our East Coast college tour. And I recognized everything and realized how much time had gone by. And then realized that, had I decided to attend Olin, I very likely would have helped to plan the forum that I'm now attending. That was slightly strange...
Anyways, I have Derek's room number. And he doesn't know I'm here. So perhaps I'll just go freak him out tonight.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Fruit Snacks!!!

We got goodie bags for our dorm rooms. Which of course, I can't eat right now. But I can take it back! Welch's Fruit Snacks. I love those things. And my roommate didn't want hers, so I got them (and they were strawberry flavored!). I grabbed a Schwepp's Ginger Ale from dinner tonight, because they don't have Schwepp's at all in the dorms. I was very excited. And then realized that I couldn't take it on the plane.

BUT WAIT! Matt checked a bag! I totally can! Oh, this is phenomenal. Score. I just had that thought. I'm glad I blogged it.

My Roommate

My roommate is a forty-year-old mom who went back to college after having her family. We've been having interesting conversations. Good news about her - I'm not going to feel guilty about getting up to run in the morning. And she's not going to drive me crazy partying all night. Didn't that just work out well?

My Goals for this Forum

1. Don't be in charge of everything. I'm serious. Everyone else here is a student leader.
2. While not taking total charge, still lead. I am representing MSU here.
3. Find an idea and get geeked about it. I don't care if it wins or not, at this point. Tonight we brainstormed a lot, and I thought and heard some good ideas, but few of them could really become full-blown initiatives. I'd really like to find something major I could take back to Chautauqua.

And there you have it. On my honor, I will try.

Day 1 of "Be the Change"

So, for those of you (most of you) who have no idea what I'm doing:

"Be the Change is a social responsibility conference initiated at Babson College in collaboration with the Association of American Colleges and Universities to enrich the quality of student social programs. The upcoming forum embodies the main philosophy of the project; transforming socially responsible ideas into action."

"Core Commitments: Educating Students for Personal and Social Responsibility

An Essential Learning Outcome

Core Commitments asserts that ethical, civic, and moral development should not be addressed separately from students’ basic responsibilities as learners.

Core Commitments identifies five key dimensions of personal and social responsibility that describe developmentally appropriate goals for students in college:

Five Dimensions

1. Striving for excellence: developing a strong work ethic and consciously doing one’s very best in all aspects of college;

2. Cultivating personal and academic integrity: recognizing and acting on a sense of honor, ranging from honesty in relationships to principled engagement with a formal academic honors code;

3. Contributing to a larger community: recognizing and acting on one’s responsibility to the educational community and the wider society, locally, nationally, and globally;

4. Taking seriously the perspectives of others: recognizing and acting on the obligation to inform one’s own judgment; engaging diverse and competing perspectives as a resource for learning, citizenship, and work;

5. Developing competence in ethical and moral reasoning and action: developing ethical and moral reasoning in ways that incorporate the other four responsibilities; using such reasoning in learning and in life.

While these five dimensions do not encompass all aspects of conscience and citizenship, they offer a compelling claim as the initial focus for a widespread reengagement with campus values and ethics."

Anyways, Day 1 of Forum has passed. They're having an ice cream social and playing games. I'm doing a bit of work and going to bed.
Tonight focused on brainstorming ideas. Our groups are formed. They were done with essentially no monitoring. We sat in groups for the brainstorming session and learned how to generate ideas. Got some great information and ideas about idea generation and improvement techniques. And then, suddenly, she announced "these are your groups for the presentation." The presentation groups that are competing for money. One of the other students from MSU is in my group. Which isn't really supposed to happen, but we didn't think we were in final groups. I also feel like we're now stuck just knowing these folks - I thought they were going to (and it would have to been helpful to) filter us through each other a bit more. But perhaps I am simply complaining because my group didn't mesh perfectly and we don't currently have any ideas that are "the one." But we're meeting tomorrow morning over breakfast. Perhaps it shall come.
Dinner was not so hot. I am beginning to understand why people complain about dorm food. All I could eat was the pasta, and even that was dubious. It looked good; I was fairly excited. The first round wasn't so good. I had brought rolls from MSU with me just in case, so I had one of those. Another pan of pasta was hot and it sounded good, so I had a bit more. And that was better. So I had a bit more. I ate more than I have been for dinner (though not any more than I ate in Nicaragua, I don't think). It's weird to not go to bed really hungry. But given the airport travel and the fact that I have only one day left of food, I'm going to forgive myself.

Yes, sir!

PHL 453, the Ethics and Global Health course I was extremely excited about, was rescheduled and is no longer even remotely compatible with my schedule. I am taking this as a sign from the big boy upstairs that I need to take Organic Lab next year. So I have complied.
New Schedule for Spring:
Honors Bio and Lab II
Organic Chem II
Organic Chem Lab
Honors Physics and Lab I
International Relations II
Intro Microbiology Lab
And there you have it, folks. Lots and lots of labs for Becca.

In Boston

We've arrived safely in Boston and are being treated well. Dinner is in about fifteen minutes, at which point the Forum officially kicks off. More to come!

In the Lansing Airport

Hey All -
We are in the Lansing Airport, ready to head off to Boston. I brought cereal and milk for breakfast, so I haven't gone through security yet. But our flight boards at 8:35, and it's only 7:17 now. There is plenty of time - getting some chemistry studying done!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Good Morning!

I have (almost) finished my poster for the University Undergraduate Research and Arts Forum. This suddenly became a big stressor for the week when I realized it needed to be in to printing earlier than I had planned. But it's mostly done and life is good. I'll get to pack for Boston now instead of very late tonight...this is good. Sleep is a lovely thing.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Ten Days...

There are ten days left. And counting. I stole peanut butter chocolate brownies from Wesley tonight. They're in the freezer. Stole some OREOs and ELFudge cookies too. The Easter drawer is looking mighty beautiful.
Tomorrow - chemistry, chemistry lab, religion, packing for Boston.
Friday - leaving for Boston very early. Writing reports on plane. Starting the conference.
Saturday - Conference. And the last supper.
Sunday - HOLY WEEK! YAY!!!!

Melanie's Going to be on "Jeopardy!"

One of my best friends from Youth Council's mother is going to be on "Jeopardy!" April 22. I know Melanie quite well, too, and am very excited! Sadly, she's told me I'm not first in line for a cut of the winnings...

Oh Dear

I did really, really badly on the Econ exam. Like, really badly. Shoot. Oh dear. Oh well. I will most definitely not be four-pointing this class. Just so everyone knows.
For the most part, the exam was fair. I'm mad at myself, as there were two questions that I knew the correct answer to and simply circled the wrong thing. There were a few questions I didn't like much though.