Saturday, January 31, 2009

PA is Back On!

I am back to researching philosophy for my professorial assistantship. It's surprising how much I've missed it.

It's Still 14 Degrees!

It was 14 degrees at 5:30 this morning! It's supposed to WARM UP! Good grief.

Friday, January 30, 2009

The Sky is Falling

No, really. Firstly, it's snowing. Little pieces of the sky really are falling down. And secondly...
My father has a cell phone. My initial reaction:

"Oh my word. I don't know that I can handle this shocking news. I just screamed out "oh my gosh" in the middle of the before-class milling around, and people asked me what had happened. lol."

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Go Muhammad!

In one of the first chapters of the Qur'an, it's Adam's fault. Not Eve. Go boy, go!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Today's Chautauqua

Steve was just getting home from Mali, and Matt was desperately ill. So I was point person for Chautauqua tonight. Which should have been fine. We were supposed to be doing planning for the semester. But one of those darn facts about egalitarian-esque groups...people are allowed to carry the conversation where they wish. And they did...Two folks got into a debate, I was asked to remind folks of the rules of Chautauqua, which I did. The group then got into a heated dialogue (though it was more of a dialogue than a debate) about whether or not we liked those guidelines. 'Twas...interesting.
Anyways, it simply means that more discussion will have to happen on the Wiki about planning and/or we'll have to make more authoritative decisions. Funny. In rambling about how they wanted a group with more power and wanted to be able to truly debate, they took away their opportunity to decide what they were going to dialogue

Weird Dreams

I had a dream (heaven only knows why) about was very, very strange. But then I woke up at 4:20 am and had just dreamed about showering. So I just got up and showered, as I decided I wasn't going to run this morning. And then I went back to bed for a little while. But I didn't sleep well. I had a Harry Potter-esque dream in which I was riding around on a broomstick. But then it became Mario Kart-esque and I was collecting goods mid-air and they were circling around my broomstick.
Wonder what a dream interpreter would say...

AP Credit

Yay! My AP Credit has appeared in MSU's database. For some reason, the office didn't have my record...fascinating...

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Apparently some of the IM Sports Complexes may be available to students free of charge, especially the pool. Perhaps I will start swimming again...

Monday, January 26, 2009

Chem Lab

I did my first hands-on work in the lab today. And I haven't totally destroyed anything yet! Though I think I was supposed to start a machine going and didn't. Told the grad student I hadn't started it, but he clearly didn't realize that's what I was referencing, because he was surprised to find it not running. But I don't think that's anything too tragic. And he really should have noticed...the door was wide open. lol. But I am feeling comfortable and happy with my placement, and all will be well.

More Political Economy

Ooh. I like it. If we want to conserve resources, we should hand it over to a monopoly. Because the goal will then be to stretch profit and use resource as slowly as possible. Competition will use it up faster and give it to more people. Oil could last forever if we gave it to one company (of course, prices would be insane. But we'd have our fossil fuels!).

MC 241 is AMAZING!!!

I love this class. I love this prof. Geniusness.


I am one. I bike, and icicles form on eyelashes and hair. It's really rather entertaining.

Haha, Professor

MC 241: Write a two-page memo.
I turned in a two-page memo.
I get back: "double-space."
He didn't specify in the syllabus. So he's just going to have to get over it. lol.

My Daddy Loves Me : )

Papa made new pajamas for Pink Doll. (Pink Doll was given to me by my grandmother when I was six weeks old. She's wonderful. Her PJs wear out with love - but she's still going strong!) She's freshly pink and healthy. I slept with her last night (yes, I brought her to college!).

It's Cold

I really must stop going back to bed after my run and my shower. But I keep not really having any studying that needs to be done, so bed is the happiest and most sensible place to be. But then I have to leave it again, while looking at the temperature of 6 degrees. And that's just no fun.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

"The Evolution of Cooperation"

Reading this book by Axelrod for Politics and Markets. And it's REALLY COOL! Oh my word, I'm such a freak. But it's fascinating.

Church this Morning

John Ross was at a retreat, so Kennetha preached. And I put the baby to sleep in my arms after the service.
And...Kennetha and her oldest son were in DC for the Inauguration. And Keeton was interviewed by ABC. Go, kid, go!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

"What Happens in Vegas"

Go ahead and laugh at me. Mom, I know you hate Ashton Kutcher. But it was ADORABLE!!

Productive Day

Today I:
Attended Student Leadership Training
Wrote a Paper for REL 330
Ran an Errand to SBS
Worked on Arabic Homework
Did a Reading for MC 241
and am currently working on chemistry with a friend. It's taking much longer than it should. But oh well, I'll survive.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Arabic Today

Had a good quiz. The prof stole my sheet to read over the dictation list in proper order; so I'm assuming they must have been correct. I made a joke about her not allowing me to fix anything, and she asked if I wanted it back. I asked her if I needed it back; she said no. So I guess that's a good sign.
After Arabic, we went en mass outside. Christine has a duck fetish, and lately, the ducks have been hanging out very close to the building and being fed by students. Christine is in a wheelchair, so her access to said ducks is limited. But she desperately wanted to touch a duck. So I, feeling horrible for terrifying a poor duck, picked one up a few times to let her get closer. The duck was fed a lot of animal crackers before and after the experience, so I think it'll be okay.

Case Competition Meeting

We had an Orientation Meeting for the leaders of the Case Competition teams today. Paulette Granberry Russell is one of the judges; she and I worked together on MLK Weekend. So that's fun. Here's hoping!

Happy Friday!

I have a quiz in Arabic today! So excited. And fajitas are being served for lunch, even as I type. Ah, the glories of life...

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Mt. Hope Childcare

Childcare at the church was more of a bummer than it generally is. We didn't have many kids and we're fairly I grabbed my laptop and was reading a class assignment. One of the workers told me we shouldn't have laptops, but I could go somewhere else if I wanted to and do some work since we didn't have many kids. I put the laptop away and a while later grabbed a book and was reading in the "big kids' room," occasionally talking to one of the older kids when they'd run up to me. And earlier-referred-to worker came in and got frustrated with me and the other worker who was singing along to her iPod. It was annoying. 'Cause I felt like overkill in the other room. But whatever.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Case Competition

"The Black History Month Multicultural Heroes Hall of Fame Case Competition 2009: Passing the Torch of Justice."
Three undergrads per team present on a hero (we get to rate a list, and then they are assigned, essentially). If we make the best case, our hero is inducted in the Hall of Fame at we get $1500. Act for Justice is sending two teams, though we're still looking for our sixth student...

Well, that's fun

My MC 241 professor has taught this class for six years. And he's only awarded ten 4.0s. Challenge or worry?

Good Morning

Happy Wednesday.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

This just in...

It's REALLY cold! Just in case you were wondering.

Chautauqua Wiki

I definitely put the transcript of the Inaugural Address on the Chautauqua's Wiki...

Go check it out! And you can comment on the Wiki about anything you'd like.


I had the chance to speak about Chautauqua at the Inauguration Screening on campus, and I kind of blew it. My talk was delayed, and then I was pushing against the official swearing-in time of 11:30. So I rushed and didn't really give a great impression...bad day for Becca's public speaking skills. Very good day for Barack's, though, so who really cares?

On the bright side, had a grand time getting to know Mark, the grad student I'll be working with in chem lab.

Happy Inauguration!

Good-bye, George.
Hello, Barack.

And that's all I have to say about that.

Monday, January 19, 2009


It rocked. We had a couple of really good discussions at the Student Leadership Conference and the performance of mbira music and the speech choir in the Museum went beautifully.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

25th Anniversary Party

Last night was the 25th Anniversary Party of some family friends. Mom was going to come get me in East Lansing, we would go to the party in Battle Creek, and then come back to Mount Pleasant late that night to get to church and hear Papa preach. Alas, Mum got snowed in. I called a friend to let him know that either a car magically appeared at MSU for me and another friend who was going to be coming with my mother and me, or we weren't coming. He just passed the responsibility off to her parents. Not exactly what I had in mind...oh well.
So we go to the dance. And we stayed the night at her house and will be driving back around noon today.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

It's Official

In case it wasn't already. Chris has placed his "Surge News Calendar" by the Onion on the desk in my room. I think he's officially marked his territory...

Happy MLK Weekend

We have officially entered into MLK weekend. Enjoy, everyone! Attend a celebration of some and give thanks for how far we've come!

Friday, January 16, 2009

It's True!

There he is, folks. Bobby Seale himself. Standing next to yours truly.

MC 241 Honors Option

Honors Option seminar! We're sharing with the other section of 241 and all sections of 221, International Relations 2. The focus is the Automobile Market. We seem to already be struggling to latch onto the political side (rather than economic side). But it's a fun discussion group. And the lead professor is really, really excited. lol.

I was Right

I'm in love with my MC 241 professor. (No, not really in love.) But he's a really cool guy.

HA! Called it.

One of my friends was just offered the University Distinguished Fellowship. Called it! He had an interview in December with the Honors College and his mother (who was an ADS here) didn't know why. And I called it! Ha! He'd better come...


Worked my second Thursday at Mt. Hope last night. And already got my first paycheck! I have time sheets and everything - this finally feels like a real job. lol.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


That was harsh! Professor Geissinger in Islam mentioned the religion of ancient Egypt and then only talked about the afterlife. I got really excited for a minute...and then no. Tear.

Wait! No! I lied. She got back to it. YAY!

Arabic Guest Professor

We had a visiting professor from Tucson, Arizona teach class today. It was a good class. I got in trouble (aka, called on) for talking to my prof before class started and saying "I am cold" in Arabic. But that's okay.


Fun! Good lecture today with lots of math. I miss math. And at the very end, Professor Hunter burned ammonia. 'Twas delightful. He even wore goggles! More safe than

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Dinner with...

Bobby Seale! I kid you not. I have just returned from eating dinner with Bobby Seale in Bistro 43 at the Marriot Hotel. He's here and will be speaking tomorrow, though I'll be at class and work. The WEB DuBois Society and Young Democratic Socialists brought him in, and then Austin Jackson, advisor of the DuBois Society, invited me and Matt to join them for dinner on behalf of the Chautauqua. It ended up being Bobby, his assistant and a well-known transcriptionist Grace, and nine students. So a lot of one-on-one time. It was really cool.

Though my friends are mostly losers about this.
"Guess where I'm going tonight? Dinner with Bobby Seale!"
"Who's that?"
Someone thought I was going on a date...and very nearly asked "Is he cute?" Goodness gracious; heaven help me.

Political Economy Specialization

Yay! I have emailed my PE advisor and he has approved my substitutions for the specialization requirements. The statistics class I took at Central will count, as will my honors economics track. So all I need to finish is the Politics and Markets class I'm taking right now and some African and Middle Eastern politics courses I'm dying to take anyway and will count for other things. Yay!

It's Cold

Just in case you were wondering. It's rather chilly. Let's just say I had a short run and didn't really want to leave my warm bed to come to economics lecture. But I did. : )

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Oh, glory, I love this class. This is good. This is fantastic. I love my professor. I love my class. I love my books. Okay. Enough with love. But I have lots of it!

Running in the Snow

It takes a lot more work than you’d expect to add snow to the equation. A lot of the sidewalks I went through still had a lot of snow on them and took a lot of work to plow through. Apparently I only went three miles (I mapped it out). It felt a lot longer and took me a lot longer than it should have. But it felt good.

CEM 182H

This is going to be fun. I am more familiar with these topics than those in 181H. And I love the professor.
Some people carried over from 181H, so I know the majority of the class. And we get to work in groups on the problem sets and turn in only one page! Yay!

Monday, January 12, 2009


Bai brought a travel hammock from home. Ans it is now hung up between our beds. It's impressively sturdy, actually. And as I type these words, I am, in fact, sitting in said hammock. And it's fun.


Oh, life is glorious. The professor's great. I'll have homework every night, which will be very good for me as I prepare for Cairo. And Chris, Christine, and David are all in my class. This is going to be very fun! Today we refreshed by assigning each other words from a handout of random review words and making up sentences.
"Chris t'a'mill fee makteb al-qabool." That's totally just my writing it out rather than an actual, correct transliteration.

Econ Book

Yay! I have a friend who traded econ books with his roommate and has agreed to share. We don't have many assignments from the book. Money for Becca! Yay!

Chem 186H

The second semester of honors freshman chemistry laboratory is working in an actual lab. I'm working with Dr. Kevin Walker, who is research Taxol, an anti-cancer drug that can also be used to help treat/prevent heart disease and tuberculosis. We met today. I really like him and love the biology that's going on in his lab. There is, however, the sad problem that I'm the antithesis of lab rat. I think I'm finding some friends who work in labs for their PA and begging their assistance before we meet again next week, so that I don't feel or sound so dumb.

No Chem Today

We didn't have chem recitation today, as lecture hasn't started yet. But I got to see a few people!
The professor came in a few minutes after class time had begun to tell us. He has a cool accent from somewhere in Europe, I think. His name is Paul Hunter, so that's not telling me much...

Arabic Syllabus

The following is quoted directly:

"In Class: Cell phones are not allowed in any mode that makes any sound audible by attentive human beings .In case any cell phone was to be heard, the person whose phone it was will have to bring cookies to class the next day (my favorite are chocolate chip ones…da!!)."

EC 252H

Lots of people I recognize in this class. Some from EC 251H, some from other things around campus. I read through the syllabus earlier this morning, as it was posted on ANGEL, the online site for MSU courses. And it seems insanely easy. Not that I'm complaining. I think it mostly means no busy work, with a lot of your grade depending on the exams. but given that this is econ, I'm okay with that.

I liked the 251H prof a lot more, but it's all good. This is going to be much more of a lecture class than the fun discussions we had in 251H.
Now that more of a class has happened though, he's decent at asking us questions. And he's not a boring lecturer at all. Or I'm just a lot more of an econ geek than I though. Oh, dear. That's all I need. To become obsessed with economics...heaven, help me.

Darn Bike

When Mom dropped me off yesterday, I completely forgot that my bike is at the church right now. I thought about it last night. And then forgot this morning. Luckily, I was heading off early for class. So I wasn't late. But this means that I have to go get it. And it's a long walk. (Now that I bike everywhere, everything feels like a long walk.) I don't have my MC 242 Politics and Markets class today because my professor is at a conference in Scotland, so I have time to go get it after this class before chemistry recitation. But I was hoping to be working in the library during this time. Oh, well. Life goes on. And soon I will have a bike.


There's quite a lot of no running along the Red Cedar. But I did go out today with great joy. It felt good.

Poor Bailey is sick with some kind of sinus congestion or something. She was up pretty late last night and sounded pretty terrible while sleeping this morning. Luckily, she doesn't have a crazy early class. Morning Bailey is not my favorite person. Nor hers, for that matter.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Christmas Present from Bailey!

Bailey got me the promised sippy cup for Christmas. But not only one...SEVEN! And they're rainbow! They're fantastic. I have not yet spilled water in my dorm room in the new year!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Lunch with Sumer

Had lunch with the youth director at Mt. Pleasant First UMC. It was really nice. And then met some friends at a coffeehouse (I never actually drink coffee at these things, but they're good places to meet folks.) Family friends have come over for dinner. And one more friend is on his way. Ah, the day of friends. Never endingly so.

Friday, January 9, 2009

So this is kind of long for a blog post...but below is the Speech Choir in its current draft for MLK Weekend. Texts are taken from MLK's "I Have a Dream" and "I Have Been to the Mountaintop," Hughes' "Let America be America Again," and Obama's election acceptance speech. I'd welcome any comments or suggestions for improvement!

Reader 1: Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle.
Reader 2: I have a dream.
Reader 3: I have a dream of change.
Reader 2: What is my dream?
Reader 3: My dream is this:
Reader 4: Let America be America again.
Let it be the dream it used to be.
Let it be the pioneer on the plain Seeking a home where he himself is free.
Reader 5: America never was America to me.
Reader 4: Let America be the dream the dreamers dreamed—
Let it be that great strong land of love
Where never kings connive nor tyrants scheme That any man be crushed by one above.
Reader 5: It never was America to me.
Reader 4: O, let my land be a land where Liberty Is crowned with no false patriotic wreath, But opportunity is real, and life is free, Equality is in the air we breathe.
Reader 5: There's never been equality for me, Nor freedom in this "homeland of the free."
Reader 4: Say, who are you that mumbles in the dark? And who are you that draws your veil across the stars?
Reader 5: I am the poor white, fooled and pushed apart,
Reader 6: I am the Negro bearing slavery's scars.
Reader 5: I am the red man driven from the land,
Reader 6: I am the immigrant clutching the hope I seek—And finding only the same old stupid plan Of dog eat dog, of mighty crush the weak.
Reader 4: But I have a dream: Let America be America again.
Reader 5: What happens to a dream deferred?
Reader 6: What happens to the dream of an America where our little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character?
Reader 5: What happens to the dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice?
Reader 4: I have a dream today.
Will you defer it?
Or will you stand with me?
Reader 5: With us?
Reader 4: Will you stand and bring change in
Reader 1: Not on the wheels of inevitability, but through our continuous struggle?
Reader 3: What happens to a dream deferred?
Reader 2: What happens to a dream advanced?
Reader 5: The answer is starting to show.
Reader 3: The answer is change.
Reader 2: A dream advanced brings change.
Reader 6: A dream advanced leads those who have been told for so long by so many to be cynical, and fearful, and doubtful or what we can achieve to put their hands on the arc of history and bend it once more toward to the hope of a better day.
A dream advanced has been a long time coming…
The road ahead will be long.
Reader 7: We’ve got some difficult days ahead.
Reader 6: Our climb will be steep.
Reader 7: But I’ve been to the mountaintop. And I don’t mind.
Reader 6: We may not get there in one year or even one term, but America – I have never been more hopeful than I am tonight that we will get there.
Reader 7: I’ve been to the mountaintop. And I’ve looked over. And I’ve seen the promised land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the promised land.
Reader 6: I promise you – we as a people will get there.
Reader 2: Yes we can.
Reader 7: Let us rise up tonight with a greater readiness. Let us stand with a greater determination. And let us move on in these powerful days, there days of challenge to make America what it ought to be. We have an opportunity to make America a better nation.
Reader 2: Yes we can.
All Readers: Yes we will.

MLK Weekend

I'm going to be very busy these first few weeks. The Chautauqua is doing a lot of work with MLK Weekend, and I'm helping to coordinate. It's going to be a lot of fun, though.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

I'm Home!

I needed to help with childcare at a church tonight and have a meeting tomorrow morning. So Gregory dropped me off in Lansing and then went to Battle Creek to visit friends. I grabbed my bike from church and biked around running some errands - 'twas a glorious feeling. A month is simply way too long of a break. I'm ready for classes to start and have been so for way too long. Ah, well. Soon!
Got textbooks today. Still need a few for my James Madison class, but I think I'll make it through the first week without a problem. I think I beat the big rush, since I managed to get really nice quality used for everything so far. One book that was published in 2008 didn't have any used left. May order that online or simply go with the "make a friend and borrow a book" method, though it's not that expensive.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Good Day

The poor dog got into Tagalongs...too many Tagalongs...(as in the Girl Scout cookies). I told the boys not to leave them there, but then promptly forgot about it. I'm a bad dog-sitter. Sorry, puppy.

Friday, January 2, 2009


Sorry. Without the regularity of classes, routine internet items of business have been forgotten.


Love to all! I've been watching lots of movies, reading lots of books, eating lots of food, and even doing a bit of work while my family is in Florida and I'm home with the dog and cat. New Year's Eve was spent with the Boleys and was grand fun.
A lot of friends have breaks that end this week, so it'll be quieter. I'm also looking forward to going in to the high school next week to see choir and drama folks.