Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Ashley gets to be transported!

This is good - it means she's stable enough and the doctors are fairly happy with her condition.

"Good Morning, I got to go visit Ashley yesterday, that was so wonderful. We missed eachother very much. She is so excited about her ride today and getting to go to Mary Freebed. She told the nurses at Covenant that when she comes back to visit she is going to do back flips down the hall, with Ramon's help (her tumbling instructor). She talked a lot about cheer and how she missed it. She remembers a lot about cheer, and all the hard work she had to do. But always ends with that exercise is good it make you healthy. I talked to the nurse this morning and they she told me Ashley had an MRI last night, they wanted to check our her sight, she isn't seeing real clear. She says she sees outlines but can't see clear. Ashley didn't want to have any test down, but we reasured her she need it get it down before going to Mary Freebed. She she said she would do it but not like it, and she didn't like it at all. The test took 2 hours, and she was scared during it Her nurse stayed right beside her holding her hand the entire time. She is sleeping now, after the test they gave her a bath and braided her hair. So from 1a.m. till about 4:30 a.m. she was up busy. So hopefully she will sleep during her ride so she will be ready to work. We took Katelyn out of school today and she is going with Russ and I to meet Ashley at Mary Freebed. So at 9:00 a.m. today we will start another new chapter in this journey. Please say a little prayer that all goes well during our journey today. Ashley has such a positive outlook on this, she wants to get better, she wants to run, and talk better. With all the support and the hand of God holding her I know she can do it. Thank for you being with us through this. Our family has growen over the last 5 weeks and you all hold a special place in our hearts. Love Russ, Julie, Ashley and Katelyn"

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