Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Good Day for Ashley Again

I think reading these updates has become one of the most meditative/spiritual times of my day...

"Good Evening, I'm sitting here with Ashley waiting for her to fall asleep before I leave. She had a really good day. Physical Therapy sat her up on the edge of the bed, they have to support her, but the more they do it the stronger she will get. Speech Therapy had her count to 10, she had a little problem with 4 for some reason she said Cody. But she did good. Then asked her when her Birthday was and she said January. They asked her where she lives and she said Beal City. They asked her if she had a sister, and she said yes. They asked her sister's name and she said Katelyn the whole thing. It was so exciting to be here while they did this. So now we just have to work on this every day, so she will be ready for her next journey. Tonight, she was really upset, she wanted her dad, so I had Russ call and talk to her, he even sang to her, she smiled while he sang. She is starting to relax and I hope she will sleep.

Thank you God for taking care of my daughter, please watch over all the people that are sending prayers to help Ashley, they are all so special, and watch out and guild all the nurses, doctors, and therapist that are caring for our Ashley. Amen

Love you all, Russ, Julie, Ashley, and Katelyn"

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