Friday, April 3, 2009

Yes, sir!

PHL 453, the Ethics and Global Health course I was extremely excited about, was rescheduled and is no longer even remotely compatible with my schedule. I am taking this as a sign from the big boy upstairs that I need to take Organic Lab next year. So I have complied.
New Schedule for Spring:
Honors Bio and Lab II
Organic Chem II
Organic Chem Lab
Honors Physics and Lab I
International Relations II
Intro Microbiology Lab
And there you have it, folks. Lots and lots of labs for Becca.


Anonymous said...

But you still have a schedule conflict...
what's the plan for that?


Becca Farnum said...

It's the lecture part of the lab. Introducing new instruments, talking about write-ups, that kind of thing. They are the only times the lecture aspects of both labs are offered. I'll be chatting with the professors who will teach the spring classes in the fall to work something out. Kelsey's in the bio lab, which will help.