Saturday, May 30, 2009

Walker Bros.

Barb and Todd took me to Walker Bros. today, a family pancake place. Had this huge apple pancake that Gregory would love...
I think we're either doing an art festival in downtown or the Children's Museum this afternoon. They have a barbecue at another family's house tonight, which I'm skipping in order to pack without the kids underfoot.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Becca in Cairo

Just to let everyone know - there will be a different blog for the Cairo trip. I may continue to post on this one with random, personal stuff. The Cairo blog is designed for people who want to keep up specifically with the trip, so it will be more edited and probably slightly more formal than this one.

The address is:

Again, I may keep posting personally on here. But I suggest checking the other one.
Love you all!

Chicago Fun

Hey All - Sorry; I've been atrocious about the blog. Internet is limited and the kids are too much fun (and/or too a wonderful way).
The seven-year-old created an office in the loftspace of his room last night, complete with paper-made laptop, cell phone, iPod, calculator, and briefcase. Freakishly adorable. The four-year-old girl and I enjoyed a theological discussion last night. ("God is everywhere?" "Yep." "In the mirror?" "Yep." "In the light?" "Yep.")
Biked to the Metra Station today; took the Metra downtown; obtained my passport and visa with no problems; biked home; went with the dad on errands. (It's very possible we bought some ever-so-vital ice cream drumsticks.)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

In Chicago

The first bit of Cairo-travel has begun! I am in Chicago, as I had to drop off my Visa application at the Egyptian consulate. Will stay with family friends for the rest of the week...then fly out on Sunday!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Back in Mount Pleasant

We (Mum, Dad, me) are all home safe from Yosemite and Gregory's graduation. Had a wonderful time. I climbed to the top of Half Dome - which is quite a trek - and got to look over the edge WAY down. It was very cool. Gregory got an apartment near Harvey Mudd that he can commute from and was able to move in today, so that's exciting. And get to bed in order to try and switch time zones.
Love you all!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

"Star Trek"

We all went to see "Star Trek" last night. It was my first full encounter with it. I saw part of one episode Gregory was watching when I was very young and was absolutely terrified. (There was some kind of gun that did something scary. I don't remember much, other than the fact that I couldn't sleep that night.) But I thoroughly enjoyed the movie. It had a few familiar faces, which was incredibly reassuring. I closed my eyes a few times, and there were a few sad moments, but nothing terrible.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Friday's Activities

We went to lunch with Gregory at the same nice Italian place he took me when I was here for my scholarship interview.
Then we hung out at the hotel (total bums that we are).
Friday evening was the Parent Appreciation Dinner. We talked with a few of Gregory's friends and ate lots of good food. Daddy got wine. I got bruschetta.
Then we went with Erin (Gregory's girlfriend) to ice cream. It was our first time meeting her. She's entirely wonderful. Engineering major, plays french horn and piano. Wants to get a PhD in music education as well. Gregory thinks she should major in music in undergrad as well. The girls (meaning me and Erin) disagree.
All in all, a lovely day. We're about to leave for the Senior Recognition Lunch, Academic Open Houses, and President's Reception. Followed by "Star Trek."

Friday, May 15, 2009

In Cali

We are safely in California. I have internet in the lobby of the hotel but not the rooms, so this will be limited. We have not seen Gregory yet; he works in the college's library till noon. Woohoo for a three hour time change! This will be fun...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Bye, Hannah!

Hannah and I had our last movie tonight until August sometime. We watched "Bride Wars" with Anne Hathaway and Kate Hudson. It's really quite cute. (Granna, I would not suggest watching it with Chris and Mark. They'd mock it the entire time. Though Hannah's much older brother had seen it and said he liked it okay - high praise for a chick flick coming from a recently graduated college-aged male!)


All grades are officially in...I four-pointed everything but macro, which I 3.5ed.

Overall GPA as of right now: 3.9054.

"Live Free or Die Hard"

Watched it (finally) last night. It was really cute! (Yes, I just used the word "cute" to describe a "Die Hard" movie. But seriously. It was.)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Good Morning

Apparently Finals Week was a bit taxing on my body...Monday I woke up at went running at 5:30, went back to cuddle in bed because it was cold outside, and didn't get up again till past noon. (Good grief!)
Today I didn't get out of bed till round 9:30, though I did run and shower immediately after. This feels ridiculous though...I don't do this!

Monday, May 11, 2009

"X-Men Origins"

Saw "Wolverine" today. It was quite good, though it had a few minor story flaws. Thoroughly enjoyed it, though.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Firefox, Thou Art Beautiful

I love Firefox (the internet browser). There as a website I need to do a lot of work with this week, but the address is crazy and not just a simple name. But I type the title of the page into the address box...and good ol' Firefox takes me there.


Apparently I posted this on the Cairo Blog...whoops!

"Good morning and welcome to Day 3 of Exams Week. Today I have my religion exam at 12:45. Won't be hard...once I've prepared for it. So I should do that. lol.
Bailey isn't done until Friday morning, but I think she's done with everything that's ridiculously stressful. Woohoo!"

Grade Report

Not everything is up quite yet...but I did 3.5 my macroeconomics (which I'm glad to take over a 3.0, even though I'm not thrilled with it!) and...I got a 4.0 in my first Madison class! Woohoo!! This is the prof that very rarely gives four points. So I'm excited.
And it was close, too, let me tell you. He rounds up, but doesn't give four points on individual assignments. When all is said and done, I was at a 3.7525. Good grief, was that a close one. Thank God he liked my final paper.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Ashley got to go outside!

"Good Evening, Today was a great day. Afternoon therapy Ashley got to go outside. They have come up with a way that she can go out. She was so happy to have the sun on her face and the breeze. When she was outside she heard kids at the nearby school playing, a dog barking, birds. She loved every minute of it. Also today she was able to roll on to her right side, she did it alone two times. She needs a little help to do the left side. The therapist helped her feed herself lunch. Thanks for all your support and love. We love all of you so much. Love Russ, Julie, Ashley and Katelyn"


Well, Kids...

It was a great year. I started bawling while I was packing...
Only four months till I'm back in classes!

(And before that, I'm going with my family to California and to Cairo by myself. So I suppose I have no grounds for complaint!)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

From Ashley

"Good Evening, Ashley had another good day with therapy. I was so excited today, I asked her to hold my hand and she opened her right hand and grabbed my hand and squeezed it. Then I asked her if she could open up her left hand and spread her fingers she did, then I asked her to close her left hand and she did. I was so excited I grabbed her and hugged and kissed her. Just three weeks ago we were prying her hands opened, so for her to be able to control it and do that, it was wonderful. We got the test back from her UTI, one test came back positive and the other two came back negative. So we have to run the test again and wait another week. Before she can come out of her room. They are trying to come up with a way she can go outside. So we can keep our fingers crossed. Thanks for all you support and prayers. Love Julie, Russ, Ashley and Katelyn"

Ooh...An Opportunity

I was just emailed by the American University in Cairo to say that classes are ending earlier than was originally advertised. Classes finish July 22; my flight is July 27. Rather than trying to change my flight, I think I shall plan to keep that time for myself. I won't have that much luggage to be in the goes Becca, rambling around Egypt!!

Goodbye, Chris...

Chris just left our room for the last was very sad...Have a good summer, sweetheart.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Ashley Update!

"Good evening. Ashley is getting stronger. She lifted her head up to let dad put a pillow under it. She has such a wonderful attitude, she laughs and makes anyone around her laugh. She enjoys her therapy, and does it with such great pride. Tonight she was even giving Katelyn orders. Katelyn has Ashley helping her try to talk us into getting texting, but they are not winning. It is hard to believe we are on day 46. This road we have been on has been a very hard one to take. But Ashley is doing so great, as dad says she's coming. She has the dream to run in a marathon with her cousin Amber, to do back flips down the hallway at Covenant. To be a nurse and work with children at St. Judes. She has these dreams and I believe she will. Thank you for all you love and prayers. Love Russ, Julie, Ashley and Katelyn"

Chem Score!

Apparently Hunter is very nice with his grades and does effort curves or something...StuInfo is currently telling me that I have received a 4.0. Really not sure how this is possible. Though I will say that I felt fairly happy about that final. But still. Talk about lenient. I don't know that I truly deserve it...(For example, I most definitely do NOT deserve a 4.0 in chemistry if I only 3.0ed economics, though this is not yet confirmed.)

Later thoughts...I was talking over the score with Lena in the caf. And I think the exam was weighted quite massively. And I think I honestly did do quite well on that. So maybe the 4.0 isn't quite as grotesque as I originally thought.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I don't want it to be over...

It's so close to being over. I don't want it to be over! I like it!!!

Thank God I get to come back in the fall. I'm going to be such a mess senior year...

I Hate that Button

The "Submit" button. It's terrible. I just turned in my James Madison Politics and Markets long analytical essay. Had a lot of fun writing it. Hope it's good. I like it. lol. It's a bit longer than Ross asked for...but he never gave a maximum. So he had it coming.

Chem Exam

Well, folks, it's done. I'm going to miss Professor Hunter very much. I think my performance was slightly less disappointing this least I hope so. I felt better while I was taking it, at least.

I was up on the second floor of the Chem Building, waiting for the exam. Dr. Walker (my chem lab prof) saw me and asked if I had my poster. He wants to post it in his hallway...because he likes the color scheme. lol. At least I have good aesthetic taste?

Monday, May 4, 2009

Now that's just dangerous!

The "g" and "h" keys are in close proximity on the keyboard. I'm sure most of you have noticed this. But when one is instant messaging, and therefore typing quickly, one tends to suddenly notice things like this more often. Like when one attempts to type "So there you go" and instead types "So there you ho." Oops.

Ah, Blueberry Morning

I'm having what I think is my first bowl of Blueberry Morning cereal since Lent. And it's oh-so-good. There was a reason a bowl of it was my favorite Lenten meal...(and also probably the one closest to breaking the no-junk food rule...)

Oh, MSU, How Beautiful You Are

Seriously, people. This campus is frikkin' gorgeous. (I am in a seriously happy mood.)

And...went over to Yakeley after the Econ exam to get a smoothie. And also got...CHOCOLATE CHIP PANCAKES AND WHIPPED CREAM! I love my life.

Goodbye, Macro

I am now finished with EC 252H. The exam went fairly well. There were a few questions where I wasn't entirely confident, but that was mostly my fault, not the prof's. Nice job, Luis. In spite of all my complaints throughout the semester, I'm honestly going to miss you. And macro. I really do think, after all the whining is over, that I learned a decent amount. About both macro and life. So go figure. Even what I hate has been wonderful. (Good grief, throw the end of the semester at me, and I get all sentimental...)

Finals: Day 1

Good morning and welcome to Day 1 of Finals Week! On the agenda for today:
7:45-9:45 - Macroeconomics. (Thank God; let's get this thing over with. I am starting to feel like I've actually learned something in this class. Kind of.)
12-3 - Chemistry Review Session (Yay!)
2:45-4:45 - Arabic Final (I shall be sad to be done...and Sarab (teacher) is moving, so I won't even get to pop by and say hello to her next year.)

And then...let's study for a chem final and write a Madison paper! YAY!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

From Ashley Herself

"Sunday, May 3, 2009 5:00 PM, EDT
Good Evening, I'm sitting here in Ashley's room talking to her, and we thought we would give you an update from Ashley. "I'm doing good, I'm hungary "(dinner will be here in a minute). "I love you all, and miss you". "I like my therapy, and the nurses are good to me". "I like them all". "Thank you for all your prayers and reading my wedsite". Love you Ashley"

Lena's Haircut

Elena and Bailey got their hair buzzed today.

At first, everyone just hacked off Elena's hair. I think it should have stayed like this -

But then they did this -

And Bailey's just as short -

Econ Study Group

I'm in my first official full-on, planned study group of my university life. This is thrilling.


I had my last worship service at University United Methodist Church this morning. Said good-bye to the choir; hugged the kids; blew kisses at all and sundry. I'll miss the folks...
But there's always next September! (And before that, there's Cairo!!)

Go Alliteration!

I seriously just used the phrase "ineffective information infrastructure" in my Madison paper. Oh yeah, baby.

Yummy Running!

Weird title, I know. But I was able to smell a bunch of flowers while running this morning. Yummy!!

Yay for Ashley!

"Good evening. They took the pick line out, they don't think they will need it anymore. Ashley's doing much better with eating. She had lasagna for dinner and they don't need to grind her food all up into mush. Ashley has been sitting in her wheelchair for about 4 hours now, her neck is getting much stronger and she is able to hold her head up more. Today she was still my cheerleader. I had a tournament today and we won, and Ashley was just so happy for my team. ttyl Katie"

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Some Great Plays

I went to the RCAH and Theater Department's showings of "This is a Chair" and "Far Away" tonight. Directed by Ann White, the assistant prof who helped me with MLK Day and does research in food rights.

"Anarchy never looked so good!
"This double bill of Caryl Churchill’s searingly playful political theatre features stubborn children, new romance, suicidal drug dealers, exquisite hats, and a global war in which Canadians, mosquitoes, Russian swimmers, children under five, mallards, Thai butchers, crocodiles, deer, and Latvian dentists have repeatedly proved traitorous.
"In This is a Chair, audiences witness seven short scenes from ordinary life that seemingly have nothing to do with the geo-political titles that introduce them. In Far Away, Joan is saddened that her hats are burned along with political prisoners’ bodies, though she understands that demand drives the millinery industry. Together these plays offer a fantastic and terrifying vision of the potential consequences of alienation from the global events which shape our daily lives."

HAHAHAHA! Yes! Score!

I've been waiting for nearly a week. And finally, FINALLY, I have found it. I've had my breakthrough. I am no incredibly excited about writing this paper. HAHA! I love it when this happens. Score for Farnum.
(Sorry, kids, there goes my empathetic time of writing a paper I wasn't interested in. I'll have to stick with feeling sympathy for you.)


Writing papers for topics one is barely interested in is not fun. I guess I've never done it before (because I've always been interested in the topic). I know understand why people have trouble.

Our final assignment for my favorite class (Politics and Markets) is about the subprime mortgage crisis and credit crunch. Ross! Come on, man!

I suppose it's good for me...

Ten minutes later: Oh good! I have my introduction.

Just the credit crisis? Definitions of terms, historical look at what happened. Do we want to have the various causes in here or not? They’d be different and it would get long. Grag!!! Ross, I hate you. Loserface."

Hmm. Perhaps I should revise that a bit...

You know you're tired when...

I was debating whether or not I'd tell you this. It's sure to cause your opinion of me to decrease in favor. But here we go.

Mt. Hope United Methodist Church. Thursday, April 30. ~8 pm. Girl wants to watch "Rugrats: The Movie." Oh, lovely. When the older kids want to watch a movie, we'll often open up a connecting classroom and watch it in there. Which means that, if there's a large contingent watching the movie, they need a supervisor. So I got to watch "Rugrats: The Movie!" Lucky Becca.

You know you're tired cry. While watching "Rugrats." Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I cried. Not once. Oh no. Like three or four separate times throughout the movie. And we're not talking teared up. We're talking streams of tears, at one point. Yeah. I'm a bit pathetic.

(For the record, it's a very sweet movie about a new baby brother. And so Tommy has to deal with being a big brother and not getting attention.)

Friday, May 1, 2009


I went to visit my friend Sarah in Yakeley Hall today. Their caf is a big "organic" caf. They have personally-made smoothies! My first was strawberry-peach-strawberry yogurt-ice. They ran out of strawberries for my second. So I asked for just peaches with peach yogurt and ice. And the girl put pears in instead. It was actually really good, though...

Tulips are in Bloom!

The tulips have come in! Not as pretty as the flowering trees in my opinion, but still very lovely. I saw by Kedzie Hall that are spiked. The petals, that is. I think they're still tulips, though, and they were mixed in with all of the other normal tulips. Anyone have any knowledge about spiked tulips? (Yes, I know I could just Google search. But I thought, for once, I might to learn from my elders rather than the internet...we'll see if it works out!)

Ashley's Test Results

Not as good as I would like, but something that is potentially solvable, or at least workable. Mom and I are going to visit her sometime the week after I'm done at school; perhaps we'll get details then.

"Good Evening, Ashley had many different therapist in to see her today. When Russ got there to see her, the therapist was trying to get her to balance on the edge of her bed. They were very pleased with her attitude, and her willingness to try. She got to have mash potatoes, mac a cheese and chocolate pudding. She likes her chocolate. We did get the results of the MRI Covenant did the last night. I don't get it completely, the tunnel from the eye is ok, the back of the brain that processes things has damage. Ashley said things were black yesterday, so at this time we are not sure how her sight is. Ashley is winning over peoples hearts here at Mary Freebed just like she did at Covenant. Thanks for all the prayers, Love Russ, Julie, Ashley and Katelyn"