Wednesday, April 8, 2009

College of Arts and Letters' Undergraduate Research Initiative...Go, kids, go!

CAL URI is the program that is funding my "Feeding Peace: African Famine Relief" research. Apparently they send out letters to all of my professors telling them that I would be presenting at UURAF. Ross came up to me before class and was talking about it. He's going to talk to Madison about doing something similar for their students. He was excited to see that the College of Arts and Letters did the notification (as opposed to being thrilled that I was presenting), but we had a nice, brief chat.
Thank you, oh College of Arts and Letters. Seriously, I think it's really cool that they do that. Though I'd be okay if Ross didn't come see Ah, the glorious potential for embarrassment. Though one of the books I've read is titled "The Political Economy of Food," so maybe he'd be thrilled.


Anonymous said...

When are you presenting?


Becca Farnum said...

Thursday, April 16, 11:30-1:30 am. You are not allowed to show up. It would be absurd of you, dear. I stand there with a poster; judges occasionally ask me questions.

Anonymous said...

But I'm your mother--it's my prerogative to be absurd--and I do it so effortlessly...


Becca Farnum said...

You'll see me that weekend! You can't drive in so pointlessly. Grief, child.