Monday, April 13, 2009


Is it just me, or does adding pizza sauce and mozzarella cheese to your matza kind of take away the point of eating matza?


Greg said...

It may take away the point, but it's kosher. I know a guy here who eats it with cream cheese. Eating unleavened bread is about the baking time, and it hardly takes a lot of time to put cheese and sauce on matzah.

Becca Farnum said...

It just seems wrong, I suppose putting the stuff on doesn't take long. Making cheese, on the other

Jon said...

Maybe you could jab yourself with pins while eating to make it more unpleasent. Yesh, asectics! I'll never understand 'em.

Charlie said...

The cheese is already made, goofy head. It's not about asceticism, it's about running away from Egypt. Cheese is good hiking food.

<\span style="with-harumphing-noise">

Becca Farnum said...

But then you're taking all this time to prepare and microwave a matza-pizza...