Tuesday, June 8, 2010

And we're off!

I've had a wonderful time with the Obinger clan. Last night I got thoroughly spoiled...two friends came over, we threw the kids upstairs with my computer and Donald Duck DVDs, and made filets stuffed with garlic and blue cheese, accompanied with strawberry salad, sauteed mushrooms, green beans, and other delicious items. It was a good night.
The kids are off the school now. I'll be leaving for the airport around 3:30. This will be my last post on this blog...
Go visit spartaninisrael.blogspot.com to read stories from this summer!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Anthro Substitution

Just received the excellent news that the grad course in medical anthropology I'm taking has been accepted as a substitute for a course in my Bioethics Specialization. This gives me a bit more freedom in my anthro electives senior year - always a happy thing!

And...I've just received the email that the course will also count for my International Development degree. Excellent!

Annual Conference

I'm at Annual Conference for the United Methodist Church. Life is wonderful. I'm seeing a bunch of people I adore but don't see often. I'm sleeping very little. I'm blogging at 1 am...so I'm going to stop now!
Love you very much.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

"Date Night"

Funny, funny movie. Amy, Kelly, and I went to the Tuba Museum for dinner (thanks to a Restaurant.com gift certificate via MyCokeRewards - go, Kendall, go). We then went to a school playground and pretended we were five (I got stuck on the swing...stupid hips. Amy, of course, still fits into the baby swing. Brat). And then we went to see "Date Night."
Most impressively, on the way home, Amy and Kelly drag-raced down Harrison Road. At around 35 miles per hour. It was rather epic. Kelly and I won - we cut her off right before the Mount Hope one-lane light. Score!