Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Oh Dear

I did really, really badly on the Econ exam. Like, really badly. Shoot. Oh dear. Oh well. I will most definitely not be four-pointing this class. Just so everyone knows.
For the most part, the exam was fair. I'm mad at myself, as there were two questions that I knew the correct answer to and simply circled the wrong thing. There were a few questions I didn't like much though.


Jon said...

I've had Profs do a really nasty mid-term just to shake students up & pretty much disregard it if they do well on the rest of the class. How'd everyone else do?

Becca Farnum said...

Not as well as first exam, but the average was a bit above me. The biggest issue is that he grades in such a way that it's entirely based on ranking. Students could potentially get an 80% and still only 2.0. I think I should at least three-point, but it's a pain and I don't like it very much, mostly because I feel like the fact that I'm not doing as well in this class is the fault of his teaching rather than the work I'm putting into learning.