Monday, April 6, 2009

Prayer Request

I wasn't sure whether or not I was going to throw this up here, but this is becoming a very serious concern...

Ashley was in Girl Scouts with me and graduated in my year from Mount Pleasant.

"Background Story
On Monday, March 16, 2009, Ashley had her tonsils out at CMCH in Mt. Pleasant. The surgery went well. On Sunday, March 22, following a short family outing where the four of us visited friends for about 20 minutes, we headed home. Ashley was having trouble breathing and went into convulsions. We quickly acted, were able to wake Ashley, and Russ drove quickly to ER. ER staff in Mt. Pleasant focused their attention on Ashley and through a CT scan found massive blood clots in her lungs. They prepared to air transport her to Covenant Hospital in Saginaw. She went into cardiac arrest and had no blood pressure. The staff gave her a block buster drug to break up the blood clots and administered CPR. After 25 minutes, they had resusitated Ashley, ventilated her, brought her to a stable condition, and she went on her first helicopter ride. Once at Covenant ER, the staff were very concerned about the length of time that she was denied the oxygen and her overall physical condition. She was admitted to Surgical Intensive Care Unit at Covenant and has received one-on-one nursing care since her arrival. Ashley is still on the ventilater and three CAT Scans were done and revealed no swelling or fluid in the brain. An EEG done Monday, March 23, indicated there was minimal brain activity. The doctor compared it to a bad sprain and we would have to see how the days unfold and how Ashley responds. A second EEG was done at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, March 25 and currently waiting results which will probably come in later this afternoon or evening. We will keep you informed."

Things have not improved. Ashley has been pretty much comatose for weeks with little brain activity. Her family has been spending a great deal of time with her. Initially, they were very hopeful. The optimistic mindset is beginning to die, though. Prayers for Ashley, certainly, but also a lot of prayers for her family, that they not lose hope but also be able to cope with what comes.

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