Friday, September 19, 2008

"Batman Forever"

My floormates and I have officially become "Batman" freaks. To be more accurate, we're "make fun of 'Batman' movies" freaks. "Batman Forever" introduces Robin, who's quite fantastic. Jim Carrey is in it as one of the villains; he was hysterical. Because even though he was all painted up, you're like, "Oh look. It's Jim Carrey being Jim Carrey." Nicole Kidman was our sexy blond this time, and without an 80s hairdo.
We particularly enjoyed making fun of Val Kilmer's complete lack of acting...we redelivered most of the lines in a deadpan robot voice.
Best moments of show: Val Kilmer does this TERRIFYING smile after Nicole Kidman tells Batman that she doesn't want him anymore because she's in love with someone else. That someone else is, of course, Bruce Wayne. So Val Kilmer turns away and then shows the only emotion he shows in the entire the form of a completely freakish smile. We had to rewatch it on my computer the next day, the smile was so scary.
And the line that takes the cake..."Holy rusted metal, Batman!" Fantastic.


Anonymous said...

I would just like to say that you are officially a complete freak...

and so adorable...


Becca Farnum said...

Thank you; I do what I can.

A Ranz said...

So, was there anything in there about Robin being raised by the circus?

I've never seen the movie

Becca Farnum said...

Yes. He's an acrobat.