Monday, September 1, 2008

Yay Fire Alarms!

Yesterday we had a fire alarm...and they're not supposed to happen on Sundays. So that was fine. We all left; it wasn't much of a problem. It was "early" for a Sunday, so a lot of people were in pajamas, but Chris and I had just gotten back from church and hadn't really settled down in studying yet, so it wasn't much of a problem.
But then today at 7:30, the alarm went off. And that time it was a problem. Because while I usually would be awake, it's Labor Day. And I decided yesterday that I woulld let myself sleep in, so I stayed up late watching "Batman." And there I was at 7:30, forced out of bed. I woke up at 7, but was going for the "laze around in bed" technique. So much for that. I had this huge headache, though, due to being abruptlyn forced to full conciousness. So I had to get more sleep. And then at 9:35...again! Yay! Not. So out we went one more time. We were let back into the building, but the fire alarm is still going off. It's designed to force lazy college students out of it's seriously painful and obnoxious. And I still feel like I've had no sleep...
Thank you, fire system. The dorm is now trained to ignore fire warnings. Real fire=death to us all. And I'm going to be much more unproductive today, now, because I am in complete "bleh" mode now.


A Ranz said...

at least you were somewhat decently clothed during your fire drills. I was getting ready to go to sleep when my dorm's fire alarm went off. I ran out of my room without any hesitation or thinking about what I was wearing, or lack thereof. (clothing is uncomfortable to sleep in, what can I say?) I ran out of my dorm wearing only my shorts, and I didn't think of running back in to put on more clothing.

I'm just glad that it happened in August instead of in the deep winter...

{{One interesting fact at MTU is that during a fire drill in winter, everyone has to go to their dorm room first and get a coat, snow pants, etc. before being allowed to stand outside in the snow.}}

Becca Farnum said...

Umm...well. About that. Let's just say I did in fact have to put on a few items before I left. Everyone knows they're just drills, so we take our time leaving. Which is why, if there's ever actually a fire, we're all totally dead.