Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Movie Review

Dear Cast and Crew of "She's the Man,"
Your movie is amazing. It really is. It cracks me up. It puts me to sleep when I need it to, provides me with a good soundtrack to my homework, is a fantastic film to show to friends when we just want to have fun, and is always capable of cracking me up. However, I feel like I really must speak to the few absolute absurdities and impracticalities that exist in this fine production.
1. There is NO WAY in heck that Amanda Bynes' character would not be regularly accused of being gay. None.
2. There is not a high school in all of America at which the marching band performs and attends all soccer games.
3. Even if number two is, in fact, false, I absolute refuse to believe that there is a high school in all of America at which hot, Dallas Cowboy-style cheerleaders perform during the halftimes of soccer matches.

There is more...but I need to leave for a workshop at the Honors College. To be continued...


Charlie said...

There are hot, Dallas Cowboy style cheerleaders in this movie?

Why did I never walk through the room at THAT time? Instead, I simply saw - over and over and over - a girl who did NOT look like a guy, with tampons up her nose.

Becca Farnum said...

Heeheehee. It was NOT Amanda with tampons up her nose each time. You, sir, were very entertained when the hot guy had tampons up HIS nose, claiming they actually worked to help stem nosebleeds.
Which they totally would.

Bailey said...

I've actually used tampons to stop nosebleeds before, in a legit first aid situation. So there.

Also, Amanda Bynes is hot.

Becca Farnum said...

Even as a boy? (Or especially as such?)

Bailey said...

Well, yes, sort of. She's adorable when she's attempting to crossdress. But also hot as a girly girl.