Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Good Moment in ANP

I'm in a crude mood (for no reason whatsoever), so I'll share this absurd story from Sociocultural Diversity last week.
We were speaking about the fact that, at the "end" of Marxist evolution, people are valued only for their economic output capability rather than their actual selves. Everything and everyone becomes a commodity to be bought and sold. Selling labor on the open market leads to pornography as opposed to erotica, where we have "free-floating" sexual body parts rather than an actual love story. So we were in this massive discussion of pornography. Everyone's feeling kind of awkward but loving what's going on. And, at perhaps the most perfect moment (which I won't spell out for the sake of this being a family-friendly blog), someone's laptop said "Your purchase is complete."
It was fantastic.

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