Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Day

Woke up at 5:30. Did some cleaning, jogged around the house a bit. Ate some cereal. (Sugar cereal! Heehee.)
Church: Got to sing "Christ the Lord is Risen Today" and the "Hallelujah Chorus." Brought in some trombones, strings, and trumpets for various musical numbers.
And then off with the Ellises!
Ate my first meat - yummy Easter ham!
They made me an Easter basket. (Aww.)
Jorgen and Hollan got an egg hunt. We played lots of N64 Super Smash Bros. (Video game. And when I say "we," I mean "Hollan goofed off, Jorgen and Alec played, and I was occasionally coerced into making a fool of myself.")
Bubba called me; we had a nice little chat. Slightly freaky is that Todd was asking about Gregory right as he called...
Barb made chocolate chip cookies (Alec had gone through four dozen pretty much himself in like three or four days the previous week); I helped hand her things and clean things up as we had a good chat.
Todd and Jorgen's birthdays are both coming up, so we then did a little party. Mint chocolate chip ice cream cake from Baskin-Robbins (yum!) and presents.
And then a fairly quiet evening. Reading, chatting, generally having a wonderful time with wonderful people.


Charlie said...

I trust "off the Ellises!" referred to a (probably unsatisfied) desire to get someone in SuperSmash Bros, rather than your hidden desire to poison all the adults so you could steal the children?

Becca Farnum said...

Whoops! "Off with the Ellises." Will change that...