Sunday, April 4, 2010

Jesus Tastes Like Peeps

Even more so than grape juice. I'm sorry, but it's just a fact. I did the full Great Thanksgiving (musical setting), had homemade bread and grape juice, had a bit of my (vegan!) banana bread, and then had the traditional Peep fest. And the simple truth is that Jesus tastes like Peeps.


Charlie said...

Now, you're not just mouthing the Great Thanksgiving along with someone, you're doing it without an elder present. But I note you didn't call it "communion", so I suppose the U.M. police won't be out to get you :-). Next thing you know you'll be healing someone on a Sabbath - that will get you in REAL trouble.

And, having discovered that I was going to break both my food fast and my alcohol fast on Maundy Thursday evening, I am convinced more than ever that Jesus tastes like wine.

Becca Farnum said...

You had Communion Maundy Thursday, eh? I skipped out both that night and at Good Friday service...
And furthermore, I have yet to have some post-Lent wine. I assumed there would be some at Ellises' today, but alas. I shall have to wait till you and I have fondue. : )