Had a good service today...John Ross preached from John 3, but focused on standing in the light. He had flashlights and an umbrella...'twas quite entertaining. On my way to a campus Interfaith Council meeting. Tonight is also Students for Peace and Justice and an LBGT panel.
We also covered the lectionary text. John Boley eschewed the pedestrian "light" illustrations and instead talked about the division of labor in his household: he deals with dead animals, Diane deals with vomit. Your mother, wanting to inspire young minds to ask important questions, passed this note down the Wesley row: "What happens if someone vomits a dead animal?"
I have to say, IMHO, that MPFUMC is more in touch with CMU than UUMC is with MSU.
Oh, dear. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. Thank you, mother.
I totally had to look up IMHO there...What kind of life is it when your parents are more hip than you?
No, no, the "H" is for "humble", not "hip". That's why you didn't know what it meant.
/mr humility
Haha. You bum.
Hey, I was only passing that note to Charlie--he shared it with everyone else.
Sure, Mom. You never instigate improper behavior. Geesh.
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