Saturday, March 28, 2009

Interesting Quotation

This quotation is interesting. It was a status on Facebook. And that's all I'm going to say about it.

"Do you think the ant can figure out how we can build a barn? Then how do you expect the human race to figure out how God built the universe?"
- Bernie Mulder


Charlie said...

OK, so I google this to find out who Bernie Mulder is. And, at the top of the list, is Spartan Becca. Only relevant post in 2 pages of Google, so I gave up.

But, I think the gap between human brains and creation is much smaller than the gap between ant brains and barn building. Also, the quote is likely - to many many Americans, who do not have Becca-size brainpower - to indicate that evolution is probably a silly idea and we should just take Genesis 1 literally.

Becca Farnum said...

I tried to Google it and couldn't find it either. Who knows.