Sunday, March 29, 2009

Getting to Church

I packed up my water bottle and a yogurt today and left for church very early, thinking I'd get there early and study a bit for my class, as I wasn't hungry early enough to eat in the dorm before I'd need to leave for church. But my bike lock was stuck due to the rain. I must have tried like thirty times. It was ridiculous. I finally went inside to try and find a friend's number for a ride. I wasn't thrilled about that idea, either, though, because I am scheduled to eat lunch with Katie after church and then would have to walk all the way back across campus. I couldn't find the right number, though. So I did some quick work on the computer. Tried to find Bailey's key to get into the bike room and steal her bike, but couldn't locate them. I finally went back outside to try the bike one more time or just walk...and it opened on the first try. Go figure. Apparently I shouldn't have been biking half an hour earlier...

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