Sunday, March 22, 2009

Today, I was Productive

I have had a lovely, productive day. I love it when I'm working all day and enjoying all of it. Did quite a bit of PA work - I'm reading through materials from the International Center on Nonviolent Conflict and suggesting resources Dick might want to use in the Peace and Justice class. Some really great articles. And I'm finding out about current nonviolent resistance movements, always a pleasure.
Other than that, a brief but happy moment with Dean at church, to whom I am liaison from the Staff/Parish Relations Committee, a meeting about the Interfaith Council forming on campus that was longer than I expected but productive, some work on economics (my least favorite part of the day, as already mentioned), a meeting for Students for Peace and Justice which went very well, and now I'm wrapping it up with an LBGT Panel and off to bed!

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