Friday, March 20, 2009

Ah, Beautiful Yogurt

I have discovered the glory of "Totally Takeout" and their nonfat strawberry and peach yogurt. I can, once a day, go into "Totally Takeout" and get a certain amount of food. It's designed for students who's class schedule conflicts with meal times. For some reason, yogurt is only two of your daily fourteen points of food. So I got seven yogurt today that will last me at least through the weekend! Yogurt is fantastic stuff. I generally don't eat it in the cafeteria because it's bulk and there are better things to eat, but the Country Fresh personal containers are beautiful things.


Anonymous said...

You might consider sharing a yogurt or two with your roommate. It might be just the sweetness she needs- instead of fudge, for goodness' sake!


Becca Farnum said...

But fudge is good! lol. I will be sure to offer her some.