Monday, March 30, 2009

HIV Testing

That was a joy. lol. Had to get tested for Cairo (the university requires it on the physical, which makes sense and is a good practice). Olin does free testing, but you have counseling, etc. The guy was very understanding and did an abbreviated version for me, though.
Got my blood drawn for it. She used a pediatric needle and got my vein on the first try! Go, girl, go! I was talking about Cairo and she's like "Yeah, no offense, but you can always tell the study abroad ones." I laughed.
Anyways, results take a week. So I get to go back next week for post-test counseling. Yeehaw.


Charlie said...

Maybe when you go back for your post-testing counseling you could learn how you and Arabic could (safely) produce a grandchild for me.

Becca Farnum said...

Yeah. 'Cause they wouldn't find that scary at all.
And the Middle East actually has one of the lowest rates of HIV...