Thursday, April 15, 2010


I just saw an adult male literally taking time to stop and smell the flowers...just outside of Berkey, there's a very fine-smelling bush. He walked past it, made a "yum!, sound, and turned back to smell it intensely. 'Twas quite adorable.

And an update on Kedzie tulips: That's quite a lot of color! But still only on the north half...I hope they're all in healthy bloom together at some point, because it really is pretty.


Anonymous said...

I keep amusing the crew at Wesley with the Easter Lily--I go and smell each of the blooms at some point whenever I'm there. "Yum" is right!!!


Becca Farnum said...

There's one sitting on the kitchen table at the condo now. : )

Charlie said...

It's a bit distracting when it's in the midst of the sermon. I mean, I did it once, but that was to illustrate a point, not at a random spot.

Becca Farnum said...

Can I just mention that I feel like this blog is, perhaps, NOT the appropriate location for a husband and wife to have a discussion...