Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Chem Lecture

This morning's chem lecture was really good, though pretty much entirely review. The prof was doing great until 9:30...and then he mentioned the word "calculus." And life was sad. He proceeded to do a brief overview of derivatives. I'm sure it was intended to be sweet for those who haven't had calculus or didn't remember well, but here's the thing: it was slow enough that those of us who had calculus were dying, and fast enough that those who hadn't would be totally lost and terrified anyways. But life will continue. The rest of it was good. I'm now waiting for Arabic to start...yay!


Charlie said...

As one of the fools who took 181H without calculus - yes, it was much too fast for those of us who didn't know calculus. We just kind of faked it on our homework and got 4.0's anyway. (Well, I did. 'Cause I'm me. :-) ) (OK, so I also got a 2.5 in PHL200H. Sigh.)

Becca Farnum said...

You got a 2.5 in PHL200H? I never knew that! Ha! Whereas I'm likely to get a 4.0 in PHL353 and a 2.5 in CEM181H...