Monday, August 25, 2008

Professorial Assistantship

MSU has these things called PAs...essentially research opportunities for Freshman and Sophomores. Those who qualify for PAs are paired with a professor and work 8-10 hours/week. In return, we get money dropped into our bank accounts and the opportunity to get in on some research. I was paired with the chair of the Department of Philosophy who also happens to be my Peace and Justice Studies professor. My assignment: researching philosophy historically to find references to violence. Dr. Peterson is writing a book on the subject. It's going to be a lot of fun for a bookworm! (Said bookworm = me.)


Jon said...

Well, there's the German passive resistence to French occupation of the Rhineland in 1923. That's about the only example in Western history I can think of, offhand.


Becca Farnum said...

Thanks...I'll have to check it out. But first, I have to wade my way through all of the Greeks...