Thursday, August 28, 2008


I made my first public mistake...short vowels are terrible. By terrible, I mean much more difficult. I screw them up rather easily. There are three short vowels that are written above or below the letter preceding them; they aren't generally written in novels, newspapers, or handwriting, but if you're vocalizing the entire word, you use the vowels. Anyways, I didn't look slowly enough at a word written on the board and called it wrong. A few other people raised their hands saying that they too thought the word was incorrect...but we were wrong. Good news: Milad knew my name. He said "Sorry, Rebecca." Oops. I'll be more careful next time before I open my mouth...
On the bright side, I did all my drills for homework last night and was able to turn them in well. Hopefully I'll get brownie points back for that. (Though there were short vowel exercises in the homework, some of which I know I got maybe I won't...)


Charlie said...

Hooray! A mistake!
Like, seriously, man, it's OK.

Becca Farnum said...

lol. Thanks, Papa. I wasn't too worried about it...but I thought I'd share it with you.

A Ranz said...

That's one reason I love German. Every single letter is said, and the language is written with script I can recognize.

I really give kudos for your balls in taking Arabic. I know that I would have a very difficult time learning a language so different than the couple of Germanic/Romantic languages that I speak now.