Friday, August 29, 2008

Good Girl!

I don't have class today. And what did I do? Wake up at 6:30 and go running! What a good girl I am.
Anyways...enough with the self-praise. I'm likely about to ruin any good that did by eating a doughnut or something else bad for me, but it felt good and will help me be awake and productive the rest of the day.
Schedule for the day:
-Library to research pre-Socratic philosophers and their take on violence
-Dinner with Katie
-Dinner with a group of friends (I guess I'll have to eat twice...the troubles of being popular...)
-Movie Party (during which I will most likely read a book for class)


Charlie said...

Have a happy donut.
I was expecting some kind of fatuous praise for Obama - you missed his speech?
Somewhere in the back of my mind I'm allowing a small hope to grow that he might actually be our next president. I'm horribly afraid of what my attitude is going to be like on November 5 if he loses.

Becca Farnum said...

I didn't have a happy doughnut...I had a happy bowl of Golden Grahams, a glass of skim milk, a piece of ham, and some breakfast potatoes instead.
I didn't get Obama's speech, no. I seriously am doing nothing but studying with occasional breaks to check email and write on the blog. I've seen snippets as I've passed TVs and read a few articles on online news. I have a small hope too...