Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Thesis Discussion

So, another note about a potential thesis.
1. I will not be doing an additional major - they have nixed the double-counted Senior Seminar for International Relations and Comparative Cultures and Politics, so I do not have room for it, even without thesis.
2. Papa's suggestion for a thesis (writing down how all my multiple degrees and specializations fit) is really quite tempting. It's an excellent suggestion. However, I am not sure that a Madison Honors thesis is the best avenue for this. I could do a senior thesis in philosophy, women's studies, or religious studies on it. But these aren't really the best avenues either. Hmm...

To do the thesis, I previously thought that an independent study was simply a part of the Honors Program and could be on anything (and I was going to do it this summer on Israeli Women of Peace). Fun, but would cost me an extra $1000 or so. Zierler informed me today that the independent study is really supposed to help determine what your thesis is going to be, start creating a project proposal, etc. So I nixed this summer's independent study. I'm still going to be doing the research, though, and will make it into my anthropology capstone course I'm taking this fall with a professor I know well (director of the peace and justice studies program).

Which leaves me with 8 credits of fun to play with my senior year if I don't do a Madison thesis. Or the need to take a 3-credit independent study the summer before my senior year and figure out exactly what I want to write a thesis on. This idea of Papa's really is good...but I would really have to find a professor who could do it. I'm not sure. I haven't found said professor yet. I shall keep my eyes and ears open...

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