Sunday, March 14, 2010

Decisions, Decisions

So: I can do an Honors Senior Thesis in Madison. Or I can do an additional major in Comparative Cultures and Politics.

Pros of Honors Thesis:
In-Depth Look at Something (who knows what) I'm interested in
Freedom in Scheduling
Experience with Thesis Writing
Title of Thesis Appears on Transcript
Honors from Madison

Cons of Thesis:
Not sure what I want to do
Less time in class (I like class)
There's not one faculty member in Madison I really want to do a thesis with, at this point

Pros of Additional Major:
The core courses look really, really, really cool
It's another major. Woohoo!

Cons of Additional Major:
Scarier scheduling concerns my senior year
No Honors from Madison (but Honors from MSU)



Anonymous said...

How do you have time for an additional major??? I thought you were crammed to the gills to fit in all the credits for the current FOUR!!!

Yes, of course I'm calm.

Becca Farnum said...

It's really only swapping the eight credits of the Honors Thesis for the eight credits of the Comparative Cultures and Politics core courses - which look really fun. There's a lot of possible overlap, all in the courses I'm most interested in...

Charlie said...

My actual vote (as opposed to the "Yes" on FB) is: thesis.
Your topic: tying together all the stuff you've done. There's a relationship amongst the eight billion majors & specializations you're taking. Take some time to think about it and write it down: "Here's why what I've been doing is important."