Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Needed to do my physical for the Israel Study Abroad.
Problems with doing a physical during Holy Week:
1. I utterly failed my urinalysis. Protein count was off the ceiling. Not surprising. So of course I had to fess up to my fasting. They were good about it, just told me to drink lots of water. And then declared that the physical said "if indicated" and marked N/A rather than making me come in again. (Thank you, Olin Health Center.)
2. A bit of...creativity was necessary. Have you had any of the following: "Weight Loss." Define weight loss. I mean, other than the thirty pounds I've dropped in the last month and a week, no, nothing unusual. Heehee. But nothing unpredicated or without just cause, so I just went with "no."


Anonymous said...

I didn't realize you were fasting so severely. What did you give up ? Or, perhaps, what did you not give up? I thought I was doing OK giving up beer and ice cream, but I've just been maintaning my original flab. Don't starve yourself so you won't be able to do the Lord's work--not to mention your own. Uncle Al

Becca Farnum said...

During Lent, I was not having any form of junk food or meat. During the school week, I had only around 400 calories a day. Ate a bit more on the weekends and during spring break to make sure I didn't lose too much. And then I'm fasting entirely (i.e., only water) for Holy Week.
No worries, I'm good!