Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Thank you, Michigan

for that lovely bout of weather.
5:30 am: Becca goes running down a beautiful fall trail. Temperature: Heavenly. Not too hot, not too cold. Precipitation: Not a chance for like a week. Wind: Nonexistent.
7:30 am: Becca, after showering, collapsed back into bed for an hour before class (that makes sense, doesn't it? Get up early, run and shower, and then sleep more. Whatever. I'm weird; I don't deny it.). Temperature: Flippin' cold. As in hot cocoa is now necessity of basic existence. Precipitation: Wet. Lots. Wind: Gale forces. Shrieking. Absurd.
12:30 pm: Becca has had lovely productive morning and is going to Arabic. Temperature: around 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Precipitation: Not a chance for like a week. Wind: Nonexistent.
And that, my beloveds, is why I live in Michigan. Cause why not? Who wouldn't want this?

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