Sunday, October 12, 2008

Cluster Bombs

These things are terrible, by the way. See for information about them. The things are awful - they're used by our military but kill more civilians than combatants and kill more of our own troops than combatant troops. Awful things. There's a mother bomb that holds many bomblets. The bomblets don't all explode right away, though, so some bomblets are left around in parks and fields. They look like toys, so kids pick them's terrible.
Students for Peace and Justice worked with the Greater Lansing Network Against War and Injustice to bring the National Campaign to Ban Cluster Bombs' Cluster Bomb Survivors tour into campus. We heard from a 17-year old Afghani boy who lost both legs to a cluster bomb, the father of a five-year-old boy killed by these weapons in south Lebanon, and the mother of a U.S. Marine who died in Iraq while cleaning up U.S. dropped cluster bomblets. Completely and totally awful. So please go email Senator Levin (who's chair of the Armed Services Committee) and tell him you hope he'll support the treaty in Congress that will ban US use of these bombs. And typing about them is incredibly depressing...but please do check out the website and do all you can to help.

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