Thursday, October 23, 2008

Oh, Men

Let's all give a big cheer for random hitting on women. Yeehaw. lol. It was mostly just funny...I was standing in the hall waiting for Arabic to start and a boy came out of one of the classrooms. "I just wanted to tell you that our teacher has been gone for a long time and John - you see that boy? Sitting right there - he really wishes you were our sub." Thank you, Y-chromosome.
It was rather entertaining and totally harmless, never fear.


Anonymous said...

Our sub??? Good grief, what were you wearing that you looked old enough to be the instructor??

Anonymous said...

Oh, sorry, that was me...


Charlie said...

Who is he? Did you get a picture? I'll come down and take care of him!


Unless, of course, you'd like to have a grandchild with him. (But then Arabic might get jealous.)

Becca Farnum said...

Oh, good grief. Forget I typed anything. lol. I was just wearing my black pants and blue sweater...
No, Papa, I did not get a picture. I doubt I will ever come into contact with him again, much less have a child with him.

Charlie said...

Aw, shucks.
I mean, Thank Goodness! I can't believe we ever let you leave the safety of home to go to such a hell-hole of depravity.

Speaking of which, we saw "Apocalypse Now" last night. I don't think you'd like it. :-)

Becca Farnum said...

I chatted with Chelsea just before she came in late.
Me: "Yech" (in response to the movie of choice)
Chelsea: "On the plus side, it's long, so I'll be able to watch more of it"