Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Honors Humanities to be cancelled

Well, this is incredibly depressing. My favorite class at MPHS, Honors Humanities, is likely going to be cancelled due to a lack of funds. That was the only class at MPHS in which I felt like I actually learned something. I loved that time of day. It's actually, in part, a huge reason for why I got the full ride from MSU. The humanities were a huge part of the scholarship exam. But more than that, I LOVED IT! So I'm massively saddened. We're organizing a letter drive, asking MPHS alumni to write and talk about how much they enjoyed that class and how important it's been for their education. If anyone has other ideas as to how we can make the cancellation not happen, please share them.


Anonymous said...

Make sure you tell Thoenes and Pius the impact on your scholarship exam. I've emailed them both with my thoughts already.


phantomheadphones said...

It's final-there will no longer be an honors humanities at MPHS this year. I'm really depressed and angry about it. I think I sent you a not on FB. I'm not sure.