Friday, May 1, 2009

Tulips are in Bloom!

The tulips have come in! Not as pretty as the flowering trees in my opinion, but still very lovely. I saw by Kedzie Hall that are spiked. The petals, that is. I think they're still tulips, though, and they were mixed in with all of the other normal tulips. Anyone have any knowledge about spiked tulips? (Yes, I know I could just Google search. But I thought, for once, I might to learn from my elders rather than the internet...we'll see if it works out!)


Charlie said...

Yes, in fact, there are tulips with spikes.
/wise elder using GoodSearch

Some pictures of spiked tulips:

Becca Farnum said...

I had the feeling you were going to do that...Humph.

Granna, if you have any PERSONAL experience with spiked tulips, I'd be happy to hear it!

(But thank you, oh Papa, for your oh-so-wise internet search.)

Anonymous said...

I fear that my PERSONAL experience is just like yours. I used to see them on campus in the spring. I always just thought that they were a different variety since the U does seem to have many varieties of many plants.
It is, after all, an agricultural college. Perhaps you have heard that the original name was Michigan Agricultural College. M.A.C.?


Becca Farnum said...

This is true. More interesting observations about the tulips - the beds by the Union are still closed. I would think that they'd all open at once. ??

Anonymous said...

More shade by Union?

OR different varieties!

Becca Farnum said...

They looked the same...but the shade may be a valid point, given the placement of the beds relative to the building.

Anonymous said...

They are two types of "spiked" tulips. One is called lily-flowered and the other is called Fringed tulips. The lily flowered is more pronounced and that's probably what you saw.Uncle Al