Thursday, May 7, 2009

Ooh...An Opportunity

I was just emailed by the American University in Cairo to say that classes are ending earlier than was originally advertised. Classes finish July 22; my flight is July 27. Rather than trying to change my flight, I think I shall plan to keep that time for myself. I won't have that much luggage to be in the goes Becca, rambling around Egypt!!


Anonymous said...

Well, what a'll just hate that!!


Jon said...

I felt a chill when I read "ramble around Egypt". There are an awful lot of people there that do not like Americans. Please do be careful.

Becca Farnum said...

Don't worry, Jon. My "ramblings" will consist either of touring with a friend I will have met at university (I'm hoping to makes buddies with a native Egyptian who can show me around), or heading directly to Luxor and staying safe.

Jon said...

well, it's an uncle's job to worry