Sunday, May 17, 2009

"Star Trek"

We all went to see "Star Trek" last night. It was my first full encounter with it. I saw part of one episode Gregory was watching when I was very young and was absolutely terrified. (There was some kind of gun that did something scary. I don't remember much, other than the fact that I couldn't sleep that night.) But I thoroughly enjoyed the movie. It had a few familiar faces, which was incredibly reassuring. I closed my eyes a few times, and there were a few sad moments, but nothing terrible.


Jon said...

You've never seen a Stat Trek episode before? Suddenly I feel very, very old.

Becca Farnum said...

No, it's just me. Because it scared me. My best friends all have.

Anonymous said...

Star Trek was a source of great strife between your mother and me when she was little. I greatly enjoyed it when it first came on TV. She wanted to watch it and I wouldn't let her. It was too late and too intense for her, in my opinion.
I don't know if she has forgiven me yet for once she could watch it, she loved it.

Megan said...

Ah! I want to see that so badly! But I did recognize the guy from Princess Diaries II (Royal Engagement) in the previews and felt quite dorky. and girly. Oh well.