Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Today in Religious Awareness Week

Fun stuff happening on campus!

Noon - Zen Buddhist Meditation. Let's relax, folks.
12-7 - Events with the "fagbug." A girl had her VW Beetle vandalized with slurs written all over it. In response, she made a documentary and now travels the country raising awareness about homophobia. The Wesley Foundation is sponsoring her at MSU.
5:30 - Interfaith Dialogue on Religious Environmentalism
7 - Screening of Documentary on Scientology

I can't attend Buddhist meditation, unfortunately, because I have a brownbag discussion to attend with Ethics & Development/Peace & Justice. But that brownbag will be quite delightful.

And then, of course, there are four classes to attend. Ha. Details. (Don't worry, I'll be at all of them. No rest for the wicked!)

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