Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Well, that's fun

My MC 241 professor has taught this class for six years. And he's only awarded ten 4.0s. Challenge or worry?


Anonymous said...

Yes, but he hasn't had you in the class yet...

How in the world did this subject come up??


Becca Farnum said...

We were talking about hierarchies at the time. Personal interests, etc. To what extent is our doing well in his interest; if he controlled every aspect of our lives, would we all 4.0, etc.
Most professors throw out worrisome notices the first few days of class. I generally laugh them off.
This is the professor who I told you I was in love with after reading the syllabus, by the way.

Charlie said...

Definitely challenge. Earn a 4.0.

(But no pressure. :-) )

Becca Farnum said...

Thanks, Dad. That's fun.