Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Today's Chautauqua

Steve was just getting home from Mali, and Matt was desperately ill. So I was point person for Chautauqua tonight. Which should have been fine. We were supposed to be doing planning for the semester. But one of those darn facts about egalitarian-esque groups...people are allowed to carry the conversation where they wish. And they did...Two folks got into a debate, I was asked to remind folks of the rules of Chautauqua, which I did. The group then got into a heated dialogue (though it was more of a dialogue than a debate) about whether or not we liked those guidelines. 'Twas...interesting.
Anyways, it simply means that more discussion will have to happen on the Wiki about planning and/or we'll have to make more authoritative decisions. Funny. In rambling about how they wanted a group with more power and wanted to be able to truly debate, they took away their opportunity to decide what they were going to dialogue

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