Friday, January 30, 2009

The Sky is Falling

No, really. Firstly, it's snowing. Little pieces of the sky really are falling down. And secondly...
My father has a cell phone. My initial reaction:

"Oh my word. I don't know that I can handle this shocking news. I just screamed out "oh my gosh" in the middle of the before-class milling around, and people asked me what had happened. lol."


Charlie said...

Happily, no one has called me yet except for me. And I haven't called anyone except for me.

Becca Farnum said...

Oh, good. That's a relief.

Anonymous said...

If one would like to be called, it is helpful to give the number to those from whom you wish to hear.


Anonymous said...

If one would like to be called, it is helpful to give the number to those from whom you wish to hear.


Charlie said...

If one would *not* like to be called, it's helpful to not give out the number! :-)
Sadly, I *have* been called. On my DAY OFF no less! By a work colleague! GRRRR.
Happily, the phone was turned off. :-)

However, I would happily accept a phone call from Granna. I shall email you the number forthwith.

Becca Farnum said...

I already have emailed her with said number...hope I have not broken a confidence...