Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I have been administratively assistive!

I performed my first act of administrative assistance today in the office...at least, the first one I was specifically asked to do. Generally the secretary is here when I am, but she's out today, so our director asked me to look up a phone number. It was oh so exciting.
And I cut off there mid-sentence to go into her office...and was once again helpful!
Haha. I rule the world. Or, a very tiny portion of it for about five seconds. But hey, you know. I'll take what I can get.


Charlie said...

Congratulations! I hereby dub thee "rather slow but effective google with an amazing speech-recognition interface for the internet-impaired".

Charlie said...

p.s. can I have one of you for my office?

Becca Farnum said...

Feel free to figure out cloning. And then do as you wish with my DNA.

Jon said...

oh, & it'd be quicker & more certain than waiting for her to actually produce your grandchild