Thursday, September 2, 2010

GenCen Project

Fun developments at work today! I'm going to be working on the following issue:

A current need on campus revolves around the need to make study abroad more accessible to LBGTQ students. The GenCen would be a great avenue through which to create momentum for enhancing the study abroad program at Michigan State University.
The following are concrete steps I could complete this year:
1. Creation of an informational flyer for students to be distributed at the 2010 Study Abroad Fair listing countries and currently-existing programs friendly to LBGT students.
2. Creation of a more detailed database including country profiles for each of our existing programs, including travel tips, warning, and student testimonials regarding climate
3. Creation of a developmental framework for a Queer Studies Program. This would include a look at:
a. Model programs run by other universities,
b. Ideal countries and contacts/centers in those locations,
c. Faculty list of professors who might be interested in leading/resources, and
d. Sample syllabi

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