Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Happy Monday!

Hey All -
Sorry I've been rather quiet lately; I had a rather lazy weekend. Saturday and Sunday were mostly spent on the couch watching "Pushing Daisies" (thoroughly adorable) while slowly getting some bits of work done.
Friday night was rather thrilling. I got a call from Mum while I was working at GenCen that a friend from Lansing was driving up to see "Sweeney Todd," the community theater musical Mum was in. So I suddenly and without warning found myself in a car driving towards Mount Pleasant to see my mother as a crazy lady in a show about a crazy guy. It was...thrilling. Literally. Haha.
Anyways, massive kudos to the cast and crew; it was a blast. A bunch of friends from high school were in it or came to see it, so it was fun to see everyone.
Monday all I had (I just realized it's actually Tuesday...so Happy Tuesday!) was an 8:30. Today really feels like Monday because I was barely on campus at all.

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