Thursday, January 21, 2010

Ah, Advisors

I had a meeting with my Arts & Letters (main) advisor today. She hasn't seen my full big proposal of five bazillion degrees, which is probably just as well. I did email it to her, but it must have been lost in the shuffle. I'm still playing around with it, though, and it's definitely changed since I emailed it, so it's all good. I have meetings with a few other advisors in the next few weeks and hopefully things will get ironed out.
That said, the meeting today was a bit pointless EXCEPT...
The College of Medicine is working to create a 4+1 bachelor's + master's of public health degree. Essentially, I could get my master's in one year of online courses and a 4-week practicum if I dropped some undergrad credits. My epidemiology professor has been pushing this the last couple of days. I was getting kind of jazzed about this idea, though I'm not sold on online courses. And then Dr. Fryer looked at me and told me that I should probably be going to Harvard or Yale for my master's. At which point I remembered that I either will be doing random work in Africa helping people in a completely non-bureaucratic way, in which case no one cares if I have my MPH, or I'll be doing something incredibly high-profile and be an academic snob, in which case I want my MPH plus other stuff with as big a name as possible. Good point, Dr. Fryer. No online classes for Becca!

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