Tuesday, September 6, 2011

ANP 202H

ANP 202: Anthropology - Biocultural Evolution. It's one of the core requirements for the Anthro degree. I have delayed taking it because the Honors section kept not fitting in my schedule, and I desperately wanted to take it, because the class sounded so cool.
But, as luck would have it, this semester, the Honors section is being taught by a forensic anthropology. This results in a great bias toward the "bio" side. The instructor for the non-honors section is an epic cultural prof. Alas.
I will be memorizing the human skeleton, along with several other things. Which I suppose will be good for me and potentially useful.
But I was supposed to be having fun learning about how we can see human cultural behaviors emerging in primate groups, not just how our bones came from the monkeys.


Bailey said...

See, and I wanted it the other way around. My class was all about primate culture and I just wanted skeletal comparisons and physical emphasis. Boooo.

Becca Farnum said...

So tragic. Did you have Fujita?

Bailey said...

No, I had...Milligan? I think? It was mostly taught by the TA.

Becca Farnum said...

Huh. Don't know that one.