Sunday, May 1, 2011

Wish me luck!

Monday's schedule:
7:45 am - Final Exam, Economics of Health Care
10 am - Meeting, Grant Writing, GenCen and the Dean of the College of Law
12:45 pm - Final Exam, Economic Analysis of Africa
3:00 pm - Final Exam, Politics and Society in the Developing World

And then breathing. So much happy breathing. lol.

And then some research work, for which hours desperately need to be taken care of.


Anonymous said...

Good luck, little girl. Have fun!

What are you doing with the Dean of the College of Law??
I just wonder these things...

Love you, pooky.


Becca Farnum said...

Writing a grant.
Why wouldn't I meet with the Dean of the College of Law?

Belinda said...

I am jealous! D.C. is so wonderful and exciting. Would you like to be put in touch with a friend of mine? He's originally from Indonesia but has lived in D.C. FOREVER. He works at the World Bank. I know you are going to be busy, busy, busy but Michael might be an interesting person for you to meet/know. Have a wonderful time. How silly of me. Of COURSE you will have a wonderful time!!!


Becca Farnum said...

Belinda - Of course! I'd love to do coffee with various folks in my (admittedly limited) spare time.