Sunday, May 29, 2011

Saturday in Georgetown

I have acquired my summer bike! Yesterday one of my hosts drove me to the bike shop where her daughter’s bike (which is no longer being used by said daughter) was getting tuned up. So now I have transportation and can very easily get myself to and from the Metro station, which is nice.
In the afternoon, I Metroed into Georgetown (an adventure on a holiday weekend, when many fewer trains run, and a double adventure since I took my bike on the train) and saw some friends. A guy who studied with me in Egypt in Summer 2009 just graduated from American University; he and I grabbed ice cream and chatted (not surprisingly, mostly about politics). We ended up in the strangest place: The downstairs was your average neighborhood ice cream shop – a counter, ice cream toppings, etc. But the upstairs was a collection of couches and sofa chairs with neon lights, a laser ball, streamers, and techno music playing. They weren’t separate establishments; it was the ice cream parlor’s lounge. It was very strange. I felt out of place eating ice cream in such an atmosphere…brought new meaning to the phrase “ice cream bar.”
And I finally got my date with Amy. We managed to plan a time, place, and even day to meet up this time. We strolled around Georgetown’s adorable downtown, went shopping, ate a really good dinner. (Really good – I had filet mignon with yummy grilled vegetables and balsamic glaze.)

My hosts are now in Baltimore for the weekend, so I have a quiet weekend with the dog. I also have the car, so I'll be using my day off to go grocery shopping. (I will probably do that today in an effort to miss the Memorial Day crowds, though there will probably be an obnoxious number of people out shopping for tomorrow's barbecues...oh well.)


Anonymous said...

I frequently went to the Calvert Theatre in Georgetown ( I think it was on Wisconsin Avenue at about R Street) on weekends when I lived in Arlington. They showed second run movies and even some older ones such as "Carmen Jones". Is it still there ? I don't recall any downtown in Georgetown. Where is it ?Uncle Al

Becca Farnum said...

By "downtown," I mean the adorable strip of streets that's on M Street.

I think the Calvert is still standing, but no longer running...