Friday, May 7, 2010


Well, the jury's still out, officially. But I am pretty much guaranteed 4.0s in Gender Roles, International Political Economy, Modern Jewish Thought, and Ethics of Global Public Health. As I mentioned, I've already received notification that I 4.0ed Sociocultural Diversity, one of my core anthropology classes. The lurking question is Epidemiology...he doesn't have a set scale. He gives us approximations for each exam, but he adds all the points and then curves based on the totals. I 4.0ed the first, 3.5ed the second, and received a raw score that would have been a 4.0 on either of the first two exam's scales for the final. So I think I probably made it, but I'm close to borderline. In any case, we're all done with academics for the semester. In the next weeks, I'll be documenting some history of the Black Church in Detroit, working on the Peace and Justice Studies Archive, cleaning/rearranging my house (Kelsey is moving in next year, and she brought some stuff that needs to be incorporated into the furnishings), and getting ready for Israel!

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